Dr 8a
255 topics en
topics en posts latest post
Athlete's foot 2
Torn tendon at the back of my left knee and acupuncture. 1
Torn tendon at the back of my left knee and acupuncture. 1
Finger tendonitis 10
Wrist pain 1
Shoulder impingement syndrome/bizeps tendonitis rehab 1
A2 inflamation? 12
Straping/taping 2
Which fingers to use for 1/2 finger pockets? 2
Minor Rotator Cuff Tear 1
Minor Rotator Cuff Tear 1
Pulley injury - who's had them? 1
Unidentified elbow/bicep injury 11
Herniated disk 2

Strain in forearm 1
knee injury 2
distal bicep tendonosis 1
Finger Injury - Capsulitis? 1
Random flashes of pain - Did I really overtrain ALL muscles from shoulders to hands?? 2
The lingering shoulder... 1