Katie Lamb reports on Instagram that she and Keenan Takahashi have repeated Carlo Traversi’s Equanimity (8C) at Kirkwood Lake. "This journey was almost entirely a mental challenge, which feels emblematic of a broader narrative in my recent scaling. I’ve been on a skill building mission to try and make this low angle tech style a strength. The crux for me was the process of losing trust and then building back to a point of tenuous belief…whatever that might mean to each scaler. In the end, I found my equanimous mind."
The ultra-technical route ascends a series of angled seams on a stunning 9 meters granite face and demands a combination of tight, awkward layback moves, delicate smearing, and precise body positioning and balance. Last year, James Webb did the second ascent and commented, ”Potentially a contender for the hardest technical boulder in the world?”
Katie has been one of the very best female boulderers for quite some years and in 2023, she did three 8B+’ as well as Box Therapy (8C). Here is a podcast where she discusses her training on how to break into new grades.