Ben Cossey FA's Arapiles' hardest line

Ben Cossey, who made his first 8a news headline in 2001, reports on Instagram that he has done the FA of Light Weight Baby (8c+), which makes it the hardest route in Arapiles. The 40-year-old projected it for a dozen sessions spread over four trips.

Can you tell us more about the history of the route and your ascent?
The route was first bolted by Sean Myles in about 1992. He and Jerry Moffatt had come out, from what I know, they had a few cracks but generally got arse slammed. The route looks featured and easier than it actually is. Garth Miller and Nick Sutter, Zac Vertrees, Fred Nicole have also had a tickle over the years. Some more than others.

It sits in an awesome spot at Arapilies with a really great view of the plains below. You can also see Punks In The Gym from the base so that’s extra spacial. Obviously, Arapiles is sacred land and Wolfgang [Gullich] made it even more so. So being able to see his classic line from this new route is super radical. I’m not sure if you guys get it in Europe, but the wind at Arapilies, the way it whistles around the cliff crevices make a sound like it’s whispering “Wolfgang”, which is pretty amazing really.

Anyway, the route is stellar. I live in Blackheath NSW, so it’s a long drive to Arapailes. It’s like having a project in El Chorro but living in Vladivostok. So from a logistical PPOV it’s an undertaking. The route also bakes like a turkey in the sun all day so you only get a small window towards the end of the day to try it, which makes it more annoying to get good conditions. But you get that on the big jobs, and we’re not playing for sheep stations, so I just had to get on with it, if you know what I mean. It’s seriously the best route! Great rock and super meaty bouldery moves, great line, great area, great history - I’m really pleased to’ve done it finally. I first saw it when I was 15 years old and it’s sat there, indifferent ever since, like it’s been doing since the dawn of time, waiting to be done. Now it is!

Katalin Paertan does two 8A's in Felbertal

Katalin Paertan has had a productive long weekend in Felbertal, sending two 7C+'s as well as Afterlife soft (8A) and Schluck du Bruder (8A) . "Felt impossible when I briefly tried it some time ago, but today I quickly got the right positions and found myself on top of this stunning line after missing the last hold once."

Can you tell us more about the ascents?
On the first day, I climbed my old nemesis Twisted Moonlight (7C+) and felt very good in Libre soft (7C+), but unfortunately kept dropping it in the easy ending. The next day I finally managed to send Libre quickly and then tried the extension Afterlife soft (8A), which I, after a few more unnecessary falls of course, got up eventually as well. On the third day, we actually planned on only climbing easier boulders, as skin and energy were running quite low, but after feeling very comfortable on Taxi (7B+), I decided to try the full line Schluck du Bruder (8A), of which I quickly got all the moves and after another obligatory top-punt, managed to link them all together.

Gogor a “must” in your backpack

Advertorial: Climbing Gogor is a small device that allows you to exercise the phalanges of your fingers. This is very important in activities such as climbing,…

Jana Svecova, with nine 8B boulders and some 8a routes under her belt, has started to project Stefano Ghisolfi’s Excalibur (9b+). After four sessions she has done all but one move. ”I never took rope climbing outdoors as seriously as bouldering but now I’am kinda into it 🫢”How come you raise the ba…

Sera Gearhart flashes Zero Zero (7C+)

Sera Gearhart has flashed Zero Zero (7C+) in Squamish. "Gotta eat big to get big, but this time I ate big to get food poisoning [prior to sending]. Pretty soft if you have small fingers, [my] first V10 [7C+] flash."

In the Vertical-Life female ranking game, the 27-year-old is #3, in the boulder ranking, having also completed three 8B's in the last 12 months.

Soline Kentzel does Le Voyage (8b+) trad

Soline Kentzel has made the fourth female ascent of Le voyage (8b+) in Annot, after working it during five trips. Interestingly, 8b+ is also her personal best on bolts and her resume also includes an ascent of Golden Gate, on El Capitan, in 2022. (c) Julia Cassou

"Le Voyage always had a mystical dimension in my eyes. I no longer know exactly how the desire, mixed with anxiety and curiosity, to confront it appeared, but it has been on my mind for a while. I was trying my maximum level in trad climbing the logical next step in my climbing journey? Is it pretentious? This is the feeling that comes over me, while watching a video of Babsi Zangerl, who is none other than the climber I admire the most. In any case, as I often like to say: if everything goes wrong, it would still be excellent training for my future goals.

And the first climbs confirmed my fears: dangling on the static rope, I understood nothing about climbing, and the gap between the protections seemed quite frightening. Despite everything, it was love at first sight. Firstly because it's beautiful but above all, because I realized the magnitude of the challenge this line represents for me. I realized that I dream of being a climber capable of reaching the top of this wall; and that, physically and mentally, I am not there yet. Becoming that climber, able of climbing the line of her dreams, that unique crack that escapes towards the sky, will henceforth be my reason for climbing.

When I came back the fifth time, my mindset had evolved: I arrived more humble, prepared for things not to go as planned, and found ways to reduce the pressure. some of my close friends were there, and I felt their support. Deep down, I knew this time I was here to deliver the final blow and that I wouldn’t leave without succeeding, no matter the consequences for my studies and other obligations. Finally, this time the stars aligned, or almost: on the second day, I fell with my hand in the final jug, a bit too low, probably due to a left biceps failure. No problem, I had integrated the sensations, and it was only a matter of time. When I finally linked the moves, under my friends’ encouragement, not a grain of sand disturbed the unique sequence of this vertical precariousness. Even the run-out section after the upper crux didn’t perturb my serenity (though my legs trembled a bit—it had been a while since I left the ground…). I breathed calmly before engaging in the very last section, a round and awkward crack that had caused more than one drop of sweat. Finally, I clipped the anchor, overwhelmed with immense relief: I could finally end this exclusive relationship, leaving this jewel behind. Enjoy a few moments of respite before falling again into the trap of another dream line."

Raboutou and Lee win OQS in Shanghai

The first round of the Olympic Qualifying Series took place in Shanghai and after four days of climbing, Brooke Raboutou and Dohyun Lee won the final round. The second stage will occur in Budapest 20-23/6, with a total of ten Olympic tickets at stake.

1. Brooke Raboutou USA 140.9 - Dohyun Lee KOR 134.5
2. Chaehyun Seo KOR 134.3 - A. Gines Lopez ESP 124.5
3. Erin Mcneice GBR 127.8 - Adam Ondra CZE 124.1
4. Miho Nonaka JPN 127.7 - Paul Jenft FRA 113.1
5. Futaba Ito JPN 116.5 - Sascha Lehmann SUI 110.4
6. Ievgeniia Kazbekova UKR 107.2 - H. van Duysen BEL 94.6
7. Zhilu Luo CHN 98.8 - Hamish McArthur GBR 93.9
8. Zelia Avezou FRA 96.5 - Sam Avezou FRA 9.8
Complete female results - Complete male ascents

Raboutou said, “It means a lot. I have been working really, really hard. I have big goals and dreams and I was really proud of the climbing I put in today. I still feel like I have more to give which is exciting. I really just climbed for myself which is when I climb my best. I was able to get in a really good mindset and enjoy myself but with determination. It felt really good to try really hard and show what I am capable of. I went through some really hard times last year and I learned so much from them. Honestly, I am grateful for them because I feel like they are making me stronger today, both physically and especially mentally. Nobody wants the hard times and the challenging times but that’s just part of my path and journey. So, I am proud of what I am doing."

Lee comments on his victory, “Even though the Boulder results weren’t great, I wasn’t that affected. I was still confident in Lead because Lead is my main discipline. I just wanted to do what I could do but I didn’t believe I could top it. I didn’t feel any pressure, but I was surprised to top the climb. I am not very expressive, I am very calm normally, but today I was emotional. I trained a lot for this and I realised what it meant. This is the main reason why I am climbing. For Korea, Climbing is not that big so this will tell many people about Climbing.” More quotes on IFSC.

Jorg Verhoeven climbs Papichulo (9a+)

Jorg Verhoeven reports on Instagram that he has repeated Chris Sharma’s Papichulo (9a+) in Oliana. This route marked the first 9a+ ascent for the 38-year-old, who won the Lead World Cup in 2008, and sent his first 9a some 20 years ago. (c) William Barchelo

Can you tell us more about the ascent?
In my long-term goal of climbing, I often used Papichulo and its variations as a training route to train finger strength and power endurance, but also as a personal fitness-check. I must have been on the route around 30-50 times.

This year in April I decided to make Papichulo my primary project, as I felt the route deserved more than to be my 'training route', and I was motivated by others who were also projecting the route (Hugo Parmentier, Josh Ibbertson, Dylan Chuat). At the end of April the conditions were ideal and I knew that my fitness should be good enough to climb the route. Surprisingly I could climb all of the hard part with relative ease, but I kept failing high up, since I lacked the endurance and believe in myself, putting too much pressure on sending.

After a week of rain and training, I gave the route a go in less good conditions while feeling tired. I struggled all over and was about to give up, but decided to keep going and started feeling better and better towards the top. I still don't really understand how on this day I could send the route, and not on the days before, but that seems to be one of the nice intricacies of rock climbing. Expectation is treacherous.

I've always enjoyed climbing on this route, and I still do. I'm very thankful for all the routes in Oliana; this crag really means a lot to me. After the fire two years ago, I was happy to see the usual traffic this year, with many local and international visitors. Even if that meant issues regarding parking, access, toilet, etc., I still prefer the crag to be busy than abandoned.

Some details:
I used a kneepad
I did not pre-clip
the route is almost 100% natural, and despite the often brittle rock in Oliana, only very few holds are reinforced with sika. No holds are chipped.
The fire only caused two small changes.
The burnt fixed draws were exchanged with steel draws, yet rebolting (ideally with chemical anchors) is necessary in the near future.

Jorge Diaz-Rullo does Tierra de Nadie (9a) and onsights Triple (8c)

Jorge Diaz-Rullo reports on Instagram that his fourth season on his mega-project in Margalef, Cafe Colombia, is over for now. The 25-year-old has previously done nine 9b's and two 9b+’s. (c) Williclimb

During the last ten days, he has onsighted a 14 routes 8a and harder including Triple 8c (b+) in Baldellou. “Amazing line between holds, crimps and tufas. Really difficult to read and without so much chalk. One of my hardest onsight ever. Will be a mythical [line] in this crag, probably a little 8c.”

Jorge also recently repointed Tierra de nadie (9a) at Juncosa. “Really nice hidden cave in the middle of nowhere. Tricky and physical moves, I really enjoyed this style. I was close to send on my first day but I had to come back another day.