Jules Marchaland did Punt'X (9a+) last year. "Puntx was a hard mental battle for me, I fell 20 times on the last two moves (and they are not super hard). It was a bit like a dream route for me because when I was younger I always saw some strong climbers trying the route. I did it in 18 sessions and …

Gogor a “must” in your backpack

Advertorial: Climbing Gogor is a small device that allows you to exercise the phalanges of your fingers. This is very important in activities such as climbing,…

Elias Arriagada Krüger ticks From Dirt Grows The Flowers

Elias Arriagada Krüger, who was #37 in the Boulder WC two weeks ago, sent From Dirt Grows The Flowers (8C) in Chironico one month ago. (c) Benjamin Weber

Few weeks ago I drove to Ticino for a super short trip, to get a little rest from training and to refresh my mind before the comp season starts. I was going to Brione, but something in my head told me, I should go for another session on “From Dirt”. I’ve tried this boulder a few sessions before, but never really focused on it much, as I never felt really close on climbing it. This time, I had the right energy, the weather was perfect and it just felt right. After falling 4 times on the mantle, on my last go I made it happen. I felt like it was meant to be. And, regarding the bloc itself and don’t think I have to add much. Simply an incredible line, in particular the crystals!!!”

What has been your focus the last months?
Well, the last couple of months I mainly focused on comp climbing, but obviously, I also trained a lot on boards to improve my power. I did a lot of that with other strong climbers like Yannick and some of the Austrians. But of course, I couldn’t completely skip the Ticino season and [and so I] did short trips to Ticino.

What is next?
I’ll put some work into training again and spend some time at home, because I haven’t been home and I a while, haha. But yeah, next objectives is some rock climbing soonish and probably the Innsbruck WC.

Martin Stranik flashes Bitter Sweet

Martin Stráník, with 18 8C’s under his belt, has flashed Bitter Sweet (8B) being out in Salachtal on a solo mission.

The 34-year-old Czech climber has been an active IFSC competitive climber for 20 years. As a junior competitor he won several Euro Cups and in 2007, he took home the silver medal in the Boulder World Championship. In 2021, he had his best year in Lead making the WC podium twice. Last year he finished up by placing #9 in Wujiang; earlier this month he was #17 in the same venue.

He plans to do the Olympic Qualifiers, European Champs and most of the lead World Cups.

Can you tell us more about flashing your second 8B?
My goal was to try Zunami (8C), but nothing changed and I was still not able to do first move. So I moved to Bitter Sweet, without expectations. When I saw the holds, I was convinced that it is flashable and studied the video on Janeclimbs YouTube and I did it.

Martina Demmel onsights Stiqueul man (8a+/b)

Martina Demmel has onsighted Stiquel man (8a+/b) in Saint Léger. ”Maybe being very limited with my right knee due to a recent injury helps me commit faster... stoked that I fully took the risk to fail. (c) Felix Bub

The 22-year-old competition climber onsighted her first 8b, out of ten, four years ago when she had only been climbing for three years. In the 8a ranking game she is #7 in the onsight ranking, all men included.

Can you tell us more about your injury and how it made you climb faster?
In qualis in Wujiang, we had a pretty aggressive heel-toe-jam where my calf dislocated for a short moment and injured the capsule. It's not as bad as it sounds because it completely heals by itself in about 6 weeks but now for the first few weeks, I'm very limited with the use of my right leg (no heel-hooks, dropknees, twisting, high steps, pushing, pulling with the toes - so standing on it frontally is ok).

I guess while trying a hard onsight especially in steep bouldery terrain, there isn't plenty of time to choose the ideal footholds. Not having several options for the use of my right leg helped me decide quicker, hesitate less and just commit to the obvious beta right away by taking more risks. I hope to apply this more even after my knee is healed again. I definitely feel my upper body getting much more tired than usual...

Tanguy Merard puts up Hannigraal (9b)

Tanguy Merard, who three weekends ago sent three 9a’s, has carried on with more productive days in L'Abattoir making the FA of La cinquantaine éclatante (9a+), Brouncha (9a) and Hannigraal (9b). (c) Jocelyn Chavy

I started trying La Cinquantaine Éclatante because the route consisted of making an easier start of a 9b [project Hannigraal]. It was motivating because it gave me an intermediate objective. In terms of climbing and holds, I've never loved a route so much, I couldn't stop climbing it, I loved it. These routes didn't require any mental effort because climbing them was just a pleasure, and I didn't care if I did the route.

[Two days later] On my first try I sent the new route that I bolted with a friend, "Brouncha" 9a FA. The same day I tried the hardest project on the cliff that we were trying with Seb Berthe, which consists of doing a 9a and continuing into "La Cinquantaine Éclatante", 9a+. So I launched into the route without any expectations just to see what it was like, telling myself that if I did the first part (9a) it would already be good. I was flying on the holds and I arrived at the first anchor so easily without feeling pumped, so after that I started to believe. I gave it my all for the final boulder , got back into the slab and managed to calm down before sending the final jump over the edge of the cliff. Everything was perfect, I clipped the anchor in shock and I was surprised, I had just completed my first 9b Hannigraal FA.

About the grade of "Hannigraal" which for me is much harder than all the 9a+ I did. I had a little doubt because I did it super quickly, but the route suits me very well. I also had a discussion with Nicolas Pelorson and Seb Berthe who tried the route, and they told me that they agreed with me.

Pierre Trolliet sends Cosi se Arete (9a)

Pierre Trolliet has done Cosi se Arete (9a) in Rodellar. This stunning line is 50 meter long and follows the crag’s most overhanging section. (c) Léo Giroudon

Can you tell us more about Cosi?
I started projecting this route last year. I thought it could fit my style, since the route is long, overhanging, and not too crimpy. Still, the boulder problem at the top was quite a big challenge for me. But, the place and the line are so incredible that I was ready for some serious dedication. With a tricky combination of beta fine tuning, and perfect weather conditions, I could reach the top, after a huge mental fight. I am really happy about sending this dream line, and very thankful for those who helped me through the process, particularly my girlfriend, who clearly made this possible.

David Bermudez Carbonell (14) climbs ¡0,7 ya! in Cuenca

David Bermudez Carbonell, who earlier this year climbed two 9a’s, has ticked ¡0,7 ya! (8c+) in Cuenca, after working on it for around ten days. (c) Javi Pec

"This route has been a challenge for me as it is undoubtedly the hardest 8c+ I have ever done and since it was bolted in the 90's it has received very few ascents. In fact, it has cost me more than the 9a's I have done. The route is divided into the first 20m which will be like 8b/+, an active rest followed by a 7C+ boulder and finishes on a very technical slab where it is easy to fall off."

Congrats on your latest redpoint! Do you train most weeks to prepare for your projects and the climbing you do outdoors?
On Monday I rest actively and only do some stretching and wrist exercises. Then on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I train, with Sputnik Climbing plans. On Friday I rest and I climb outdoors on Saturday and Sunday

Do you have other projects and goals in mind?
The next target here in Cuenca is to send El intento (9a), which is a route that I have given some 30 tries already.