Adam Ondra has done two 9a's, the FA of Back Road in Rovereto and the classic Underground in Arco. "4 goes in total. First try flash in 2011 - fell off from the top. 2012 - retro flash and fell off from the top. 2014 - retro onsight/flash (as I forgot the sequence) and fell off from the top. Sent 30mis later." In total Adam has done 100+ routes 9a and harder and using his personal gradings, it is 92. In Arco, Adam also onsighted Warbeast giving it a personal 8c grade. "Really close to onsighting Bucking Bronco 8c+ and another 8c+ project in another area." Two weeks ago he commented, "Two months of hard training is over, let's see if it pays off." So let us see if it is possible to raise the bar before the lead World Cup season starts July 10th. This would mean to do multiple 9a's onsight as it probably is not enough time to go for a 9c.

Mikel Linacisoro, one of the best junior slalom skiers in Spain, has done two 8b+, Ollako Mari in Equino and Kale Borroka in Siurana. He has also onsighted two 8a's. Last year, the 13 year old did his first 8c+ and onsighted four 8a+.

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Jana Svecova, with nine 8B boulders and some 8a routes under her belt, has started to project Stefano Ghisolfi’s Excalibur (9b+). After four sessions she has done all but one move. ”I never took rope climbing outdoors as seriously as bouldering but now I’am kinda into it 🫢”How come you raise the ba…

Ramon Julian has done his 38th 9a, Leire in Cuenca and it took him three tries. The 159 cm also did his 73 8c+, Seta Negra.

Philipp Gaßner has had a great trip to Misja Pec where he did his second 8b+, Missing drink. The 13 year old also flashed two 8a's and did one 8b and a 8a+ second go. Philipp did his first 8a+ when he was 10 and when he was 12 years old, he did Ronin in Frankenjura which actually almost all think is 8c.

James Webb has flashed his sixth 8B the last year, Life, the universe and everything in Zillertal. The runner-up in this flash league has done less than half of what James has done. "Cheers to Jorg (Verhoeven) for cleaning the top. Was able to top it out! One of the best movement boulders I have done. VERY luck to flash this one!

8a by Angie Scarth-Johnson (9)

Angie Scarth-Johnson has done three 7c+ an El guardiá 8a in Margalef. "Had a few big moves for me, had to use terrible intermediate, cool climbing with the crux at the top." The last year, the nine year old Aussie did her first 8b, Swingline in Red River Gorge, see the picture. To make the story even more amazing, Angie's parents don't climb. Here is an old interview by Simon Carter. " I don’t have a trainer. I write my own programs. I usually write a new program every week, sometimes I keep them for two or three weeks depends on what I am working at the time. I keep them in a folder in case I need it for next time to look at them again and sometimes I mix them up and if I’m not really working on anything that’s what I do I may go back to the first week to try something different.

Alfons Dornauer has had a good week in Magic Wood flashing three 8A+'s and done four 8B's, commenting "soft" for all. In he combined ranking game, the 20 year old is #3.