Fish Eye 8c by Hazel Findlay

Hazel Findlay, one of the most talented female trad and big wall climbers in the world, has done her first 8c, Fish Eye in Oliana after seven days of projecting. (c) Walker Emerson Blog focusing on her adventures. "Although I don't focus on sport climbing so much I spend about 6 weeks each year sport climbing in Spain, mostly as training for something in particular such as a single pitch or multi-pitch trad route. This year I was supposed to be training for Freerider in a day (so mileage) but I got sucked in to trying Fish Eye.

Jules Marchaland did Punt'X (9a+) last year. "Puntx was a hard mental battle for me, I fell 20 times on the last two moves (and they are not super hard). It was a bit like a dream route for me because when I was younger I always saw some strong climbers trying the route. I did it in 18 sessions and …

Gogor a “must” in your backpack

Advertorial: Climbing Gogor is a small device that allows you to exercise the phalanges of your fingers. This is very important in activities such as climbing,…

Ramonet does his 37th 9a

Ramon Julian has set up El Desentreno Mental in La Cova de l'Ocell which is his 37th 9a and harder out of which twelve FAs. Ramonet, 159 cm, did his first 9a in 2002, the same year he won his first Lead World Cup out of twenty victories. As he also has been the world champion two times it is easy to say that he has been the best sport climber in the world counting the last twelve years. (c) M.alba

I Portici 8A+ by Kasia Pietras

Kasia Pietras has done her first 8A+, I Portici in Osogna which is one of Fred Nicole's classic test pieces and which has been given three stars by all seven 8a entries. "Took me 6 days to complete this one... it was a great experience to project a hard boulder! Super psyched to have completed the boulder! Psyched for more climb- ing in Swiss!! I think it is a super classic boulder in Ticino, another great boulder that Fred Nicole has put up!! I'm super psyched that it's my first of the grade!