Sam Hsin completes Paint it Black (8C)

Samuel Hsin has done Paint it Black (8C) at Bear Lake Road. Daniel Woods put up what is regarded as a five-star 65 degree roof in 2012. ”This one was huge for me. I’ve always had a hard time getting myself psyched to solo session for one, and feeling like I’m at this level for another. I made some progress early on, but at the end of the day it came down to me committing to sessioning alone on a day that I couldn’t rally the homies that let me put it down. No external motivators, no one to prove to, nothing to gain, just me and my desire to do this rock climb.”

How does it feel to reach 8C and how many sessions were needed?
It feels pretty great! But honestly, I’ve been having this realization recently that every boulder I’ve been doing as of late hasn’t felt like that big of a deal on its own. I used to get way more excited after each ascent, and now each one is sort of “just another boulder”. It’s nice though because it’s made sessions more fun whether I send a rig or not. I’ve mostly just been very excited to see where I’m at now compared to a couple of years ago. I didn’t have the physical or mental ability to perform at this level then.

It took me 6 sessions. The moves fit me pretty well as I’ve been training a similar style recently, but what really made the difference was the morning I did it, I couldn’t rally anyone to go with me, so it was hard to get psyched because I don’t solo sesh often. But I knew I wouldn’t get another chance to climb on it in the near future. So, I basically was like “one more day to get to climb on this amazing boulder, I might as well make it happen”. And then I went out and was just psyched to be there, and I made it happen.

Jules Marchaland did Punt'X (9a+) last year. "Puntx was a hard mental battle for me, I fell 20 times on the last two moves (and they are not super hard). It was a bit like a dream route for me because when I was younger I always saw some strong climbers trying the route. I did it in 18 sessions and …

Gogor a “must” in your backpack

Advertorial: Climbing Gogor is a small device that allows you to exercise the phalanges of your fingers. This is very important in activities such as climbing,…

Vroni Gaßner completes El Gauhara (8A)

Vroni Gaßner, who previously has completed 15 boulders 8A or 8A+, has done El Gauhara (8A) in Zillertal.

Can you tell us more about the ascent?
Last weekend I went to Zillertal with my boyfriend. We spontaneously decided to give “El Gauhara” a try, but I wasn’t sure if it would be too hard for me. He did it quite quickly and it also went much better than expected for me. I fell a few times on the second last move. So we came back this weekend and I did this dreamline just before the rain came. So happy!

David Fitzgerald sends the Big Z (8C+)

David Fitzgerald reports on Instagram that he has repeated Shawn Raboutou’s Big Z (8C+) in Tahoe, after projecting it for some 25 sessions. (c) Jon Thompson

The 30-year-old started climbing at age 18 and within six months, he had done his first 7C; three years later in 2016, he did his first 8B+. In 2022, he did his first out of three 8C's.

Andrea Zanone does Conde de choc (9a)

Andrea Zanone has completed Condé de choc (9a) in Entraygues. The very steep gneiss route, located at 1600m altitude, was put up by Tony Lamiche in 2006. It has later become one of the more popular 9a’s in the world and has 17 logged ascents in the database.

Can you tell us more about the ascent?
I went to Entraygues for the first time many years a go. I was young and inexperienced as a climber maybe I was approaching my first 7a's but anyway I've got good memories from those days. I sporadically came back for few years always during the deep summer. In 2020 I was in good shape in summer and I achieved the goals to reapeat a few lines like Deltaplane man direct (8c+) and Onde de choc (8b+) with a style that suits me really well.

Last year in May I injured the index finger of my right hand and I had to wait until August to try something at my limit again. I came back again to Entraygues to check the intro boulder problem of the 9a. It took me 3 days to climb the first part. I knew I was ready for the main project.

I came back at the end of September to try to complete the full linefor a full month and I got extremely close to send it. I was climbing the first boulder problem every tries but my power endurance was not enough to reach the chain. I felt more than two tries per day at the last 3/4 moves of the route, day after day and I was feeling the pressure. My body and my mind started to feel the fatigued of the days spend at the crag so my dream disappeared in the cold winter of the French Alps.

This line was stuck in my head for all the winter and the desire to climb on it again was huge. I waited until May 2024 to come back and on my first day of attempts I did this great powerful test piece. For me this route represent a new beginning of who I am at the moment. I worked really hard in the past years especially on the mental aspect, to be a better person and a better climber everyday. Grades are important for the motivation, but I think that living the passion to learn new ways, to express ourselves, is way more important. For sure I will fight again to live amazing emotions like this one in the future.

Aidan Roberts gives 9A to Spots of Time

Aidan Roberts reports on Instagram that he's proposing 9A for Spots of Time, which he put up in February, after working on it for 30+ sessions. "At this level, where style becomes specific and finer details so important, it feels at best a good guess and I feel open to be humbled by missed methods or simple overconfidence in my own ability." (c) Jim Pope

The Brit has previously sent several 8C+ graded boulders, Alphane (9A) and Arrival of the Birds, which he did in March, saying it was harder than Alphane, but a grade has not yet been proposed .