23 March 2022

Two 8Cs by Aidan Roberts and Yannick Flohé

Aidan Roberts has done the FA of Everything the Light Touches (8C) and the second ascent of Kim Marschner's Forgotten Gem (8C) in Ticino. Yannick Flohé has repeated them both after first having done (the stand start) The Kingdom in just one session, giving it a personal 8B+ grade.

"Everything... (The Sit) is actually a different boulder. You start below the starting hold of Kingdom and make a big dropknee move to the left to a small crimp and then come into the second hold of kingdom with your right hand instead of your left hand like on the original start. Kingdom sit shares most of the holds with Kingdom stand but the moves are completely different."

Noteworthy is that Roberts has also flashed Vecchio Leone 8B, as reported on Insta. Furthermore, Flohé, who got the bronze in the world championship 2019, is not on the starting list of the Meiringen World Cup 8/4. "I broke my foot at the beginning and of the year on poison the well this 8c+ so I’ll need some more time before jumping on volumes again I’ll compete in Salt Lake and two European cups before that WC."
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