15 June 2015

Luzan Matyas gets progress for his Action Direct big project

Matyas Luzan has done more than 300 sessions of campusing, doing hard pocket circuits and replicas of Action Directe, during the last 15 months. Lately, he has been training with a 10 kg weight west with great progress. He is currently training very intensively 10 - 12 hours a week and he plans to go to Frankenjura in both August and October. - I have also set the pinch section on my campus board (the section where I had trouble) and tried to campus the moves in a controlled environment. After a month of trying and failing now I begin to climb it easily I make campusing replicas on a board which is a very controlled and adjustable environment. Luzan's personal best is 8b but he is fully committed to jump four grades. "There is no bigger source of motivation than challenging what you like. I tend to operate on a whole different level when I enjoy something, I lose sight of the difficulty somewhere.
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