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Climb to Paris
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meters to Paris
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Fred nicole

I heard that fred nicole is out in hueco till march. Is it true?
not sure when he's staying until, but he's there now...
did he do that thing going left off of diaphanous?
not sure, but he's definately been working it. Looks intense. Jason Kehl FA'd a new hard line on the Mojo Boulder going straight up from the start of MoMojo/Eckstien that looks pretty amazing...
i heard he did it, and a roof by coffee achiever, sick hard
Actually, I was out at Hueco about a month ago and staying in Robs Rock Ranch and Fred happened to be staying there so I talked with him quite a bit about what he's been up to in Hueco this trip and he said that he's pretty much only put up new stuff the whole time. As for the project on the left of Diaphanous, he did it from the stand up but I've yet to hear of him doing the whole link up. The problem is disgusting hard. Its amazing though, I was talking with him about the recent stuff he's done over this last year and its interesting because he doesn't report anything he does because he doesn't like how so many climbers are approaching the publicity with what they've sent. He'd like to find a different way to approach it. But something he did say to me that he did was a sport route he put up to the left of Ban de Sang in Switzerland that he did and is calling it like 5.15a/b. Really nice guy and it was cool getting to talk with him about all the climbing he's gotten to do over the years. Very humble person.
Fred is the man! Look out for a video of Rocklands featuring him and Bernd and Justin Hawkins (local hero). Great cinematography! It previewed recently in Cape Town South Africa.