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Anabolic steroids in extreme sports: A questionnaire.

Anabolic steroids in climbing: A questionnaire. This is an attempt to provoke a discussion about the subject of abuse of anabolic steroids in climbing and other extreme sports. There has been no such discussion in our sport and maybe it is time to take a look at ourselves and see if there is much abuse of it and if it has negative impact on us, the sport and the climbing community. 1. How old are you? 2. What is your gender? 3. How often do you train (# of hours per week)? 4. What type of climbing do you do most of the time (bouldering or sport climbing)? 5. Have you ever bought and used anabolic steroids or performance enhancing drugs? (yes/no) 6. If yes, where did you buy these drugs? (“on the net” or “from a private person” or “at the local gym”) 7. Should anabolic steroids be legal? (yes/no) 8. For users: Have you used steroids consistently or just for the termination of a “project”? 9. For users: Does anabolic steroid use have negative effects on you? (yes/no) 10. If yes: What kind of negative effect? (psychological/physiological) 11. For steroid users: Why do you use steroids? 12. For non-users: Why don’t you use steroids? 13. Is there a lot of steroid use at your local gym? If yes: Why do you think people use steroids? 14. Do you know which people are selling steroids at your local gym? If yes: Where do they get the steroids? 15. Do anabolic steroids have negative impact on the climbing community? Send answer to: [email protected] or give it to an FBAI representative at your local gym. Your answers will be published online later.
FBAI - Food Blogger Association of India?
We have recieved 3 answers to the quest above. Note: This is aimed at initiating a debate on the subject of abuse of anabolic steroids in climbing. Answer #1. 1. I’m 45. 2. M. 3. 5 times a week. 4. Bouldering. 5. Yes. 6. On the net. 7. Maybe. Everybody uses it. 8. I’ve used it consistently to climb harder grades. I went from 7B to 8B in 1.5 year. My climbing partners still climb 7B or 7B+. They don't use steroids. 9. It has a negative effect on my temper. 10. Agressiveness. 11. Everybody else use it. You have to use it if you want to climb 8B quickly without too much work. I’m not a professional climber and have an ordinary job on the side. 12. – 13. I don’t know really. 14. Yes. On the net. 15. Yes. It has a bed effect, but I still use it. Answer #2. 1. I’m 18. 2. M. 3. 5 times a week. 4. Bouldering (8B+ max, after 3 years). 5. No. 6. – 7. No. 8. – 9. – 10. – 11. – 12. I’s illegal. 13. I don’t know. 14. I don’t know. 15. Yes. Answer #3. 1. I’m 11. 2. F. 3. 5 times a week. 4. Bouldering (8B max, after 2 years of training). 5. No. 6. – 7. No. 8. – 9. – 10. – 11. – 12. It’s illegal. 13. I don’t know. 14. No. 15. Yes. Note: The answers may be fake. Still, let us use them to initiate a debate on this issue.
@Christian. Yep, how to introduce steroids into a Phall curry is one of the  hot topics in sports science. 
Answer #4. 1. I’m 35. 2. M. 3. 6 times a week. 4. Bouldering. I used to live and work in a neighbouring country and did 8A+ while having a full time job. Then I trained 3 times a week and bouldered once every weekend. Now I have moved back to my home country, I have a different type of job and train 6 times a week. Still my level has dropped to 6C/7A. I have to work hard to do most 7A's. I eat the same type of food as always (I'm a vegan). 5. No. 6. – 7. No. 8. – 9. – 10. – 11. – 12. It’s unhealthy and illegal. 13. I don’t know. 14. No. 15. Yes, I believe it corrupts the community.
the extra power you probably get is lost because of weigth gain. pretty useless for climbing if you ask me! this is not bodybuilding / weigthlifting. thumbs up again for the unmoderated 8a forums. every topic is going offtopic or troll shit like this. make a VB bulletin forum and get some serious moderators who are not jens!
Answer #5 1. I’m 9. 2. F. 3. 6 times a week. 4. Bouldering, 7C+. I did one arm in kindergarten after 2 months of intense training. 5. No. 6. – 7. No. 8. – 9. – 10. – 11. – 12. I'm against it. 13. I don’t know. 14. No. 15. Yes, it has a negative effect on the community. FBAI: Maybe it's time to introduce "weight-classes" in bouldering competitions like in boxing and martial arts.
Answer #6 1. I’m 13. 2. F. 3. 6 times a week. 4. Bouldering and rope. I did 8A Boulders after 2 years of training and 8c route after 3 years. 5. No. 6. – 7. No. I think anabolic steroids are bad and illegal. 8. – 9. – 10. – 11. – 12. I'm only 13 years old and I don't like steroids. If I had the money to buy them I wouldn't do it. I think the sport should be clean. 13. I think people use steroids because they feel weak and want to get stronger fast. 14. No, I don't think people at my gym use steroids. They are nice people, not criminals. 15. Yes, it is bad if the climbing community is full with criminals.
1. 49 2. M 3. 4 times a week + running 3 times a week + antagonist training 1/2 times. Above 20hrs all in all... 4. sport climbing 5. no 6. - 7. no 8. - 9. - 10. - 11. - 12. Because it's  cheating, like pulling an a draw to help your performance, because I climb to be healthy, I am eating organic/bio, and I to want to put that shit into my body to pretend I am stronger than I really am.  13. no 14. no and if I see any I will call the local police office, but I doubt... 15. absolutely, climbing should be clean and performance by fair means...
Answer #7 1. I’m 19. 2. M. 3. 5 times a week. 4. Rope. I onsight 8a+ and redpoint 8c/c+ (3-4 days of work). 5. No. 6. – 7. No, It's shitty. 8. – 9. – 10. – 11. – 12. It's bad for your health. A female friend of mine used it consistently for a long time and she got a beard and her tits disappeared. She used to be hetero but now she is gay. 13. I think people use it because the want to get results with less training. They work a lot and don't have the time to work out in the gym. 14. No, I don't know anything about this. If I hear about it I would go to the local police station immediately. 15. Yes, anabolic steroids is bad.