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Climb to Paris
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meters to Paris
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Dr 8a

What to eat on the day BEFORE going climbing?

Hello, what is the best choice about meals and eating on the day BEFORE climbing? Do I have to prefer carbohydrates and avoid proteins or just the opposite? Bye!
As far as I know, the thing to eat BEFORE a day of climbing would be complex carbohydrates . This would include things such as WHOLE WHEAT pasta/ spaghetti (as opposed to white or normal which only contain simple carbs) Simple carbs and sugars will make you want to get up and go right that moment. Then you crash. These are found in chocolate bars, energy bars, energy drinks (from Gatorade to Red Bull) and things like that. Complex carbs stores the energy, and allows you to disperse it throughout the next day. So, eat whole wheat pasta the night before. Then right before a climb have a nutri-grain bar or a little chocolate before the sends. Cheers
waiting for Dr.8a, I personally find that the day before makes little difference as long as you don't eat crazy stuff or get a huge booze :D On the contrary, I notice that almost all my best climbing days are when I can eat generous amounts of carbs in the morning (be it pasta or four pains au chocolat :D) and allow enough time for digestion, then faster sugars (eg some fruit) during the breaks.
Depends on the level you intend to climb the next day :) A good diet helps, but i guess that in the lower/medium levels good spirit, good company, very much faith in your rope-mate and constant training will do a lot more for your climbing ;-) So don't kill yourself with a restrictive diet and have as much fun as possible. My 2 cents
Quote : f aster sugars (eg some fruit) fruits are defenitively no fast sugar. The sugar in the fruits is fructose which is a complex sugar that has to be cut into parts before beeing absorbed in the blood. I can tell, I have diabete and those fast/slow sugar are a big concern for me.
Im no dietician but for me its complex carbs the day before, mostly vegetables (great source of carbs and filled with vitamins which your body will need the next day), some whole grains and loads of fruit (always). I avoid meat or hard to digest pulses. You want to feel light the next day so a good dump is important right? :-) The morning of climbing some supplements and the usual cereal and fruit. Duirng climbing its mostly fruit (bananas are cool) and granola bars. I dont like the artificial bars and goo, but if youre really flagging a good shot of Bioplus (tonic) can really kick your ass up that route! -this is not healthy however!
it depends on whether you climbed (or exercised) the day before. It is always good to eat complex carbs (pasta, rice etc) to replenish your glycogen reserves (glycogen is stored in the muscles and the liver and is the fuel that muscles need to function). some proteins are also important if you've climbed the day before. on the day of climbing a good breakfast is fruits and complex carbs (again pasta or rice is perfect) but (i) avoid eating too much and allow enough time to digest at least some of the food before climbing (1h works fine for me) and (ii) avoid mixing many different types of foods e.g. if you eat too much fat or proteins with your breakfast that might slow down the digestion and divert a lot of energy in the process.