Mammut Bus
Climb to Paris
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meters to Paris
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Dr 8a

Mystic pain in left hand middlefinger.

Hello! For about two months i have had this strange pain in my left hand middlefinger. It's kind of hard to describe the feeling but it only hurts when i move it in and out and it hurts more when the finger is cold. It almost feels as if the pain is in the bone.   The pain occured after climbing har bouldering. But the pain didnt occur instantly, it has amplified gradually and now i have a hard time putting any major weight on that finger. Best regards Gustav
HiTake this a bit seriously- as you describe it you have an irritated joint.  Cut back,  keep it warm,use some antiinflammatory drug (orally) for max 10 days- if this doesnt work it time to see a the Doc. Also read the treads above in this forum on argumenting finger cartilage strenght and on using Glucoseamine etc. Take care björn
I suffer from the same condition on the right middle finger. I have started taking Glucosemine and done 10 days with antiinflammatory drugs(Ipren 400mg). For me it seems to not improving at all and I had problems climbing the last time I went out. Usually it got alot better when the finger got warm but this time it still hurted. What do you recommend me to do now? Go to a doctor? Btw I just bought some QiJong balls that im using everyday to keep the blood pumping in my fingers, that must be good right?
HiIf this persists see a doc with joint injection capacity (ask), a couple of drops of cortisone in the joint with 2 straight weeks of rest and then slowely restarting will do the trickYes the Qijong balls will help Björn