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Climb to Paris
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Dr 8a

Middle finger can't curl all the way w/o pain and hurts to be twisted

I asked this on, but I thought I'd ask Dr 8a as well, since nothing has come up yet there. Not sure of the origin of this injury or where it came from. It might have been gradual. So my left middle finger is injured. I can't fully curl it anymore when I go to make a fist. It hurts like hell to shake peoples hands too. When pressure is on my 2nd knuckle from the finger tip, it just stings. Along with this, when I twist or rotate my finger, it hurts both knuckles on the finger, the one closest to the tip, and the next one up. This has been going on for about 1.5 to 2 months now. What's the problem here? I'm not familiar with terms, sorry, hence me using layman's language.
when you put pressure on the finger, does it hurt on top or on the bottom?
It is probably you injured your left middle finger's tendon. If you have an insurance, go to the doctor. If not, make your finger straight and put some stick and tape with your finger. It is better to tape(or bandage) from your wrist. Then do not move from 2 to 6 weeks until you can put some power on your finger without hurt. Before sleep, put your finger inside of the iced water about 30 second then put in to the hot water about 30 second as well. This is one set and do 3 sets at least. After this sets, massage well from your left middle finger to the elbow along with the line. May be you do not need to massage from wrist to elbow, but if you do, it is better. Because it is good for your blood circulation. If it is possible, do lot of aerobics but never climb(you can do climb without left hand though). Good luck!
Hurts the top of the middle finger, not the bottom. Thanks Shige! I'll make sure to do what you suggested, since it is clearly inflamed compared to my other middle finger. More detail on the injury........ I'm able to curl my finger all the way if I use my other hand and slowly press it there. Actively, my finger can almost fully curl on it's own strength, but it starts to get really uncomfortable after bending it past the 90degree point.
the reason I was asking is because I have the same thing as you. It comes from the way we hit crimps and holds and the way we hold them - our fingers are shaped in such a way that the middle finger takes more of the burden than do the other finger on a relative basis. Can you see a bump on top of the finger? I have a bump on my left middle finger and it ended up being a tear - the tendon popped off the bone taking a little piece with it - which was good as the bone was able to reattach itself. I now have the problem on the other hand but this one hasn't popped so I am taking 3 to 4 weeks off to make it heal. Last time this happened I didnt take time off and I had to take 3 months off after it popped (but no surgery, which was good). This is probably not the best piece of news, assuming you have something similar to me, but it's what happened to me so might as well share the experience. Resting and time off is the key. Good luck.
There is another possibility which is less severe than a ruptured pulley tendon or a bone separation. You could have medial or lateral epicondylitis, basically elbow tendinitis: this can create sympathetic pains in the middle finger. I have this on one hand. [unfortunately my OTHER hand has a partially ruptured tendon...] Check for this by massaging the arm on both the inside and outside of the elbow. For me, especially on the outside, where the forearm muscles that activate when one OPENS one's hand attach. If you do five minutes of massage on the forearm/elbow muscles and your middle finger suddenly feels a lot better... I  do a kind of deep pressure massage where I simply pinch very tightly with the opposite hand on my elbow, thumb on the inside and index on the outside- and then work the injured elbow through a range of motions- including wide flexions of the hand/fingers that are giving trouble. Do this several times, then move the 'pressure point' a centimeter or so down the muscle. repeat. It is a great simple massage even for just sore muscles. This technique helps best if one works it all the way down the forearm and into the hand. There are plenty of rehab exercises to help with these problems. Reverse curls with very light weights to start can help. The site has some basic suggestions, and is in no way a 'cure all': It's counter intuitive that an elbow problem would make the finger hurt, but it can. However, it is possible that you have a much more serious injury to the finger / finger tendons directly, and you should have it checked out if possible. Bests-