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Climb to Paris
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meters to Paris
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Dr 8a

Finger joint pain

Hello Dr. 8a, I'd been climbing for about 2 years without any previous pain in my finger joints. However, during one session I started to feel a dull pain in my finger joint in the ring finger (see picture below). I believe it started after I'd climbed a series of inward-leaning walls with very small, crimpy grips. The finger felt somewhat stiff and ached a bit, but stupidly I continued climbing. A few days later, I climbed a, for me, very difficult route. On the way down, my finger felt very numb. It didn't really hurt, and I can't recall experiencing any "popping" during climbing (which appear to be a common observation with finger injuries). However, a few days after that, the finger started hurting more and more. Finally I came to my senses and stopped climbing because it hurt too much. Primarily, I was unable to bend and push the finger towards the palm (see figure below). The green arrow indicates the pushing force, and the red arrow indicates where it hurt. The picture is taken today, but in September I couldn't push the finger farther than about a centimeter from the palm (it hurt too much). Also, it hurt in the same location when pushing the finger to either side. And when I flexed the finger (hand-opening motion only), I experienced a small "pop" or "skip" when reaching a certain point. First, I didn't climb again for some weeks, and the pain subsided. When I started again, it returned (yes, I went out too hard too fast). I did this for a few times - going on and off - with some weeks inbetween, before I came to my senses and stopped completely. It's now been over a month with no climbing whatsoever. The finger is much better: it doesn't hurt continouosly, and I can push the finger almost all the way towards the palm and gently to the sides. However, it still feels a bit stiff, and the "popping" remains when I flex the finger. Also, I still hurts when I bend the finger and push it toward one direction (but not the other; see figure below). I tried climbing to day, for the first time in over a month, and took it slow and gentle. Although I didn't experience any pain, the finger felt stiff and that it would hurt if I pushed myself harder. Maybe it's just because having rested for so long and the finger is not used to it yet. I'm wondering what could be the cause of the pain in the joint, and how to proceed. Should I continue resting? Anything I can do to aid the healing? Is it worth seeing a doctor? I'm very grateful for any help I can get. Thanks. Gabriel
Hi there, I'm also struggling with pain in the ring tendon.To accelerate healing I'm heating a pot with water until it's warm (the water shouldn't be too hot) then I take a icecube which I rub on the finger for a few seconds then I put the finger in the warm water. This auments blood circulation which accelerates the healing of the tendon. I do the whole thing twice a day!
I forgot to say that you have to alternate between warm and cold for about 15min. In addition I use Kinesio tape which has more or less the same effect!
same shit as everybody else:) like the saying..  there are two types of climbers..  the ones that have broken there ankle and the ones that will..  guess this shit is even more common.. but i guess its the thingies that holds the tendon in place thats damage, and not the tendon itself..  had it last year..  just rest for like 143 weeks..  doing the stuff above..  then easy climbing and beeing carefull..  open hand shit..  like when you crimp you tendon whants to go strait down, so when you krimp it puts a lot of strain on the stuff that makes it not do this..  did`nt bother googling the name of the things:)  but you get the drift..  yeah,, and NSIDs dont make you better.. just makes the pain go away..  so dont use that shit.. 
If you press the base of the finger with the other hand .. does it hurt  ? Does it hurt when you use openhand ?