Mammut Bus
Climb to Paris
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NEW BOULER CHANNEL SOFA BOULDER Sofa Boulder is a boulder channel for those who can't go to climb but need to climb mentally, thats means bouldering at sofa. This channel compoused of 30 videos that are constantly changing. There is two categories: National and international. Fell free to send me an email, message or whatever with your video if you want me to show it there. SOFA BOULDER RULES: When reaching the maximun 30 Videos at galery, every day a new video will be posted will replace the less played old video in Galery. So this channel is always changing with new motivated and fresh material, and of course always showing the best! Enjoy it! [email protected]
THE EMPTY ROOM from IVAN LUENGO on Vimeo . TITULO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"THE EMPTY ROOM" AUTOR _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "VANLU" CAM·1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SONY HDRI7·20 CAM·2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CANON EOS 5DMARK·II LENS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LEICA SUMMICROM 50·f:2 FORMATO ORIGINAL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HD·1920x1080 The man is at first speaking to his love wondering what to do"your eyes they turn me" but he decides to enter the water "Everybody leaves if they get the chance, and this is my chance" so he dives into the water and "gets eaten by the worms and weird fishes" but then he "Hits the bottom and escapes" into the new evolution....
HEAVEN IS ¦µUR GARDEN from IVAN LUENGO on Vimeo . --- Titre : 'JARDIN EST A NOUS PARADISE' Structure: chiffre d'or Mesure rythme compas: Tango d'or Idea: Jiddu Krishnamurti -> Edition: Spike Jonze and Ty Evans -> Dur¨¦e : 4'33" environ Format : HD 1920 x 1080 Agence : Van Lu Supervisors: Reponchi 3D Artist: Messi¨¦ Pavier Motion Designer : Rocio Vera Tournage : Ivan Luengo Camera & Lenses: +Canon 5D Mark II +ARSAT 30mm +Tamron 17-35mm Musique director: Palan Mart¨ªn. Musique compouse by: Unkle -HEAVEN- Client : FIVE-TEN Ann¨¦e : 2010 ------------------------------------------------------------------
SPANISH·CARAVAN#mywork# from IVAN LUENGO on Vimeo . DATA: --- 5D MARK II 30fps (604x480) LEICA#SUMMICROM ------------------------------------------------------------ Here you have cream of the crop, flower of the flock, pick of the bunch (or us we call crema de mandanga) an extract of the piece of the film I'm working on... with some of the crew whom usually climbs with me. As far as I learn climbing techniques from them, they deserve a reward from me. It's means a beautiful video with nice music and if its possible some climbing material. As far as resources of mine, as we have seen, are thin on the ground I just could give them some used climbing tools and handcrafted chalkbags... So if you are owner of a climbing trade mark and you want your products watched here, you just need to give some goods to the #SPANISH·CARAVAN·TEAM#. We are eager to test any stuff, which we proudly wear on all around the planet. Don't doubt and write to [email protected] for details. enjoy the video! -critics are very wellcome- In 1978, Wichita, Kansas TV station KAKE-TV received special permission from the police to place a subliminal message in a report on the BTK Killer (Bind, Torture, Kill) in an effort to get him to turn himself in. The subliminal message included the text "Now call the chief," as well as a pair of glasses. The glasses were included because when BTK murdered Nancy Fox, there was a pair of glasses lying upside down on her dresser; police felt that seeing the glasses might stir up remorse in the killer. The attempt was unsuccessful, and police reported no increased volume of calls afterward.[1] During the 2000 U.S. presidential campaign, a television ad campaigning for Republican candidate George W. Bush showed words (and parts thereof) scaling from the foreground to the background on a television screen. When the word BUREAUCRATS flashed on the screen, one frame showed only the last part, RATS.[2][3] The FCC looked into the matter,[4] but no penalties were ever assessed in the case.[citation needed] In the British alternative comedy show The Young Ones, a number of subliminal images were present in the original and most repeated broadcasts of the second series. Images included a gull coming into land, a tree frog jumping through the air, a man gurning[vague], and the end credits of the movie Carry On Cowboy.[citation needed] These were included to mock the then-occurring matter of subliminal messages in television. Although they may fall foul of the FCC guidelines, these images do appear in the U.S. boxset DVD Every Stoopid Episode.[citation needed] Chris Morris famously used subliminal messages to display a half-frame of the last episode of Brass Eye, stating "Grade is a cunt" in reference to Michael Grade, the Channel 4 executive responsible for the heavy editing of Morris's show.[5][citation needed] Shaun Micallef's Australian 'Micallef P(r)ogram(me)' shows contained strange subliminal messages that can be seen on the DVDs. As they are of random, humorous statements, questions, etc, they are not regarded as advertising. They were usually images of politicians, as is the case with his more recent Newstopia.[citation needed] In Warner Brothers' 1943 animated film "Wise Quacking Duck", Daffy Duck spins a statue which is holding a shield. For one frame the words "BUY BONDS" are visible on the shield.[citation needed] The December 16, 1973 episode of Columbo titled "Double Exposure", is based on subliminal messaging: it is used by the murderer, Dr. Bart Keppler, a motivational research specialist, played by Robert Culp, to lure his victim out of his seat during the viewing of a promotional film and by Lt. Columbo to bring Keppler back to the crime scene and incriminate him. Lt. Columbo is shown how subliminal cuts work in a scene mirroring James Vicary's experiment.[6][7] The horror film the Exorcist is well-known for its frightening yet effective use of subliminal images throughout the film, depicting a white-faced demon named Captain Howdy. This image is shown in the character Father Karras's nightmare, where it flashes across the screen for a few seconds before fading away.[citation needed] A McDonald's logo appeared for one frame during the Food Network's Iron Chef America series on 2007-01-27, leading to claims that this was an instance of subliminal advertising. The Food Network replied that it was simply a glitch.[8] In Formula One racing, the paint scheme of many cars would carry messages intended to look as if they were of banned tobacco products in many Grands Prix where tobacco advertising was banned, though many of these were jokes on the part of the teams (for example, Jordan Grand Prix ran Benson and Hedges sponsorship as "Bitten and Hisses" with a snake-skin design on their cars). A similar procedure was used by NASCAR driver Jeff Burton after the AT&T Mobility advertising was banned by a court order in 2007, and by Penske Championship Racing in NASCAR (where Cellco Partnership is prohibited) and the IRL (Marlboro). In both instances, a distinctive design where the banned company's identity (the Verizon "V" and the Marlboro chevron) were integrated into the car's design.[citation needed] On November 7, 2007, Network Ten Australia's broadcast of the ARIA Awards was called out for using subliminal advertising in an exposé by the Media Watch program on the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation).[9] In June-July 2007, Sprite used a type of obvious subliminal message, involving yellow (lemon) and green (lime) objects such as cars. The objects would then be shown inconspicuously in the same setting, while showing the word "lymon" (combining the words lime and lemon) on screen for a second at a time. They called this "Sublymonal Advertising."[10] The previous year, Sprite used a similar advertising campaign, but this time it was tied in to Lost Experience, an alternate reality game.[citation needed] In Sunshine 2007, three pictures of the crew are shown subliminally during part of the film.[citation needed] In Brainiac: Science Abuse, there is an experiment carried out to see if viewers would react to subliminal messages. One was shown during an experiment to discover which substance provides the best skid; the message appeared when a brainiac hit a bale of hay. The second message appeared across a T-Shirt of a brainiac saying 'Call your mum', and the third said 'scratch your nose' when a sound wave hit the Brainiac logo. At the end of the show, people were shown in a theatre watching that episode. The test showed that the messages barely impacted the audience. The subliminal content in this episode was legal, as its presence was announced at the beginning and end of the episode.[citation needed] In Week 11 of The Apprentice: Martha Stewart in which candidates have to create an ad for the Delta's former low-cost commercial airlines Song, the team Matchstick used a 1/48th of a frame image at the bottom-right corner with the Song Airlines logo.[citation needed] In the film Cloverfield, three subliminal pictures can be seen during various parts of the film, when the camera footage distorts. The photos are actually frames from classic monster films. The images are shown one at a time: the first, from Them!, appears when the group play the footage back, the second, from The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, appears when they close the door on the 'parasites' and the third, from King Kong appears when the helicopter crashes there is 2/3 frame subliminal image, from 1'02" to 1'03" is the same guy that appear then in 1'05" but slightly diferent... My WORK# La portada de este trabajo es un tributo a unas zapatillas (unas five-ten RETRO ) que me enseñaron otra forma de escalar: me enseñaron que -obviando el dolor- el grueso granito de peñas blancas se transformaba en la arenisca de fontainebleau. He intentado editar lo mejor posible; pero sigo teniendo los problemas de novato con el maldito VEGAS del que t a n b i e n hablan... Y · t a m b i e n tengo problemas a la hora de mezclar formatos y archivos con códecs diferentes. ¿A qué me habeis entendido? no es lo mismo 1920x1080 que 720x576.... Mi creatividad esta DIVIDIDA en tres partes que COINCIDEN con las tres etapas de la imagen en la última década: -LA DEPRESIÓN FOTOGRÁFICA: Las cámaras de video con efectos digitales y botón de foto. Podias hacer pequeñas fotos incluso mientras grababas, o fotos grandes si no grababas.Tenian peor calidad que los móviles aquellas fotos, pero no importaba, el pinchazo ya estaba hecho, el globo iba a reventar. La herida de muerte del carrete. Coincide con mi renacimiento en la escalada, es decir, los hayazgos del boulder y sus sensaciones de conexión con la "otra realidad" la llamada habitación vacia. Contaba por aquel entonces con una Kniev60 (6x6) o la hasselblad de los punkis, en mi caso la hasselblad de los gitanos. Habia escrito a Victor Hasselblad explicandole mi situación economica precariosa como la candelera de los simpsons pidiendole por favor que me vendiera barata una de sus cámaras que no vendiera porque estaban averiadas o rotas. El me respondió con una suscripción a su revista. Muy amable... Opté pues por la Kniev, con una lente ARSAT 30mm que fabricaba para las hasselblad y se comercializaba como fisheye barato (·) mirar link: pero no hagais caso al precio porque ese objetivo vale mucho menos en ukrania, aunque yo tuve la suerte de que me lo regalara una personilla que sale en esta foto: Las limitaciones de aquella herramienta eran que no grabara video ni audio. Ahora tengo un adaptador y puedo usarlo en mi 5D por lo demás no tiene pega. Aún guardo la Kniev y no me desharé de ella nunca. Para mi tiene un valor incalculable. Por eso he querido rendirle tributo a esa cámara con la portada de este corto. Mi amigo el gorililla tenia una de esas cámaras de las que os he hablado al principio, y yo siempre se la pedia, pero no por el video, por la fotografia, me encantaba hacer fotos digitales con aquellas videocamaras, Al gorililla le ponia nervioso mi gasto de la exaca cinta con mis fotos estúpidas. Recuerdo que una vez me compre dos cintas y se la pedí prestada para un viaje a Targassone y a Fontainebleau. Gasté las cintas de video haciendo fotos estupidas y además terminé rompiendo el botón... Luego vino el BIG BANG DIGITAL y la FOTOPOPULARIZACIÖN; El BARROCO Y EL RENACIMIENTO de la foto actual... pero eso ya es otra historia. --- "Si los impulsos que tienen lugar durante el día no son demasiado fuertes y poderosos pasan inadvertidos debido a impulsos altamente despiertos. Pero mientras dormimos tiene lugar lo contrario, entonces los pequeños impulsos parecen grandes". El video que estais a punto de ver es crema de mandanga, es vino del bueno envuelto con pez de bota, como la liebre de Durero: porque anhela otro sueño, sueña otro tiempo, temporiza otra invocación, invoca un recuerdo, recuerda un anhelo, anhela un pasado, pasa un espiritu viejo que auna la grandeza en el deporte como la amistad en la vida.