Please be conscientious of the visual and environmental impact of your approach to a climb; Zion has loose sandy soil and fragile vegetation. Stay in drainages or on big rocks whenever possible. Some routes are closed for peregrine falcon nesting from March through September.
Zion is beautiful and fragile. Having lived and climbed here for 30-yrs, I've learned the following:
1) Think about your approach, make it discreet (especially if you're starting off of a trail or road). All the other tourists are required to stay on the established trails; as a climber, your movement off the trails needs to be almost imperceptible. Hiking up or down steep soil in Zion is super destructive, difficult, awkward, and sandy--don't do it. Identify a dry waterway and follow that up to the cliff. The waterway will contain less prickly vegetation, and loose soil will have been scoured away by floods leaving relatively stable rocks like a staircase to climb. If you're careful, many approaches can be made almost entirely on rock leaving little impact--you're a rock climber right? Some popular climbs may have an approach path--stay on these and be thoughtful about your footwork. The least destructive approach will also usually be the easiest in Zion.
2) Sandstone is fragile and once the patina has been broken off it's chossy underneath. Respect the rock. Don't climb on damp rock, it will break easily, not only endangering your life, but also ruining the route. Sandstone is fairly stout when it is baked dry. Make sure that everything is bone dry before climbing Zion sandstone. If it's damp when you arrive, there is some great limestone climbing around St. George. Similar to the approach rules, respecting the sandstone will also be the best thing for preserving your life!