Westlicher Schlossbergturm
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Name Style Route Comment Properties Date
Entzauberung (7b+) Zweite vorgeklippt und vom Band wieder abgeklettert…
7 Apr 2024
Zweite vorgeklippt und vom Band wieder abgeklettert…
Pälzer-Buwe-Weg (6b)
7 Nov 2023
Pälzer-Mäde-Weg (6c+) Nice route. Big moves on jugs. Stays dry for a long time.
6 Nov 2023
Nice route. Big moves on jugs. Stays dry for a long time.
Böser-Buwe-Weg (7a) Sogar für 8 eher schwer! Zwei weite Züge.
5 Apr 2023
Sogar für 8 eher schwer! Zwei weite Züge.
Böser-Buwe-Weg (7a+) Super nice, the best at this crag I would say. Certainly not 6c+ if you are 1,67m, at least 7a/7a+. Two very reachy moves, not impossible but need a rather perfect foot placements and some juice. In between easier but also somewhat reachy in my view. Tried it once last week, needed two tries today, first to remember the placements… one rainy-day project less…
2 Apr 2023
Super nice, the best at this crag I would say. Certainly not 6c+ if you are 1,67m, at least 7a/7a+. Two very reachy moves, not impossible but need a rather perfect foot placements and some juice. In between easier but also somewhat reachy in my view. Tried it once last week, needed two tries today, first to remember the placements… one rainy-day project less…
Entzauberung (7b+) This time the move worked and the beta is good. Important besides feet (kiesel, hole to push) is to have on good crimps (i.e. right at the good position on the left). Still a project open for rainy days ;)
2 Apr 2023
This time the move worked and the beta is good. Important besides feet (kiesel, hole to push) is to have on good crimps (i.e. right at the good position on the left). Still a project open for rainy days ;)
Pälzer-Mäde-Weg (7a) Cool, pretty reachy toe/heel hook and even more reachy followup move. Interesting but not easy for small people, at least 7a.
26 Mar 2023
Cool, pretty reachy toe/heel hook and even more reachy followup move. Interesting but not easy for small people, at least 7a.
Pälzer-Buwe-Weg (6b) steil und henklig - macht spaß
26 Mar 2023
steil und henklig - macht spaß
Entzauberung (7b+) 0.3er Cam zum 1. R. Der 2. ist schwer zu klippen. Sehr kräftige Züge. Zum Stand geht ein 1er Cam, ist aber rel. leicht, dafür sehr sandig.
26 Mar 2023
0.3er Cam zum 1. R. Der 2. ist schwer zu klippen. Sehr kräftige Züge. Zum Stand geht ein 1er Cam, ist aber rel. leicht, dafür sehr sandig.
Pälzer-Mäde-Weg (6c+) Ausdauernd und athletisch. 0.5er Camalot zum 1. R.
26 Mar 2023
Ausdauernd und athletisch. 0.5er Camalot zum 1. R.
Böser-Buwe-Weg (7a) Zwei schwere Stellen, beide mit weiten Zügen an guten Griffen.
26 Mar 2023
Zwei schwere Stellen, beide mit weiten Zügen an guten Griffen.
Entzauberung (7b+) Another cool rainy day project. Surprised that the move from first to second bolt works (high left foot on obvious foot hold). Clip second with pinch. Move left to the part that can be crimped, heelhook on kiesel left, right foot in low left hole to go high ( hard move), inter left to move feet and reach. Above climb « with respect for sand », take c1, 2 jug on the sides of crag and go to cube far in front.
26 Mar 2023
Another cool rainy day project. Surprised that the move from first to second bolt works (high left foot on obvious foot hold). Clip second with pinch. Move left to the part that can be crimped, heelhook on kiesel left, right foot in low left hole to go high ( hard move), inter left to move feet and reach. Above climb « with respect for sand », take c1, 2 jug on the sides of crag and go to cube far in front.
Böser-Buwe-Weg (7a) A cool project for next rainy day..,some pretty long moves but all feasible. For the first one: start jaming right, hole left, high left foot to cross left and go right in hole (left side, deep enough). High right foot and left to lolotte and go high. After first: move left foot on small hole with right left hand to go on ledge, crimp left and remember the upper ledge for foot. For the upper one, take the upper part of the better waben with left, right foot on tick/tiny kiesel, left up on waben left to launch far, with the right hole. Move up the right foot and the heel left. With two hand on jug, move right foot right to go high right, leg hook.
26 Mar 2023
A cool project for next rainy day..,some pretty long moves but all feasible. For the first one: start jaming right, hole left, high left foot to cross left and go right in hole (left side, deep enough). High right foot and left to lolotte and go high. After first: move left foot on small hole with right left hand to go on ledge, crimp left and remember the upper ledge for foot. For the upper one, take the upper part of the better waben with left, right foot on tick/tiny kiesel, left up on waben left to launch far, with the right hole. Move up the right foot and the heel left. With two hand on jug, move right foot right to go high right, leg hook.
Pälzer-Buwe-Weg (6b) Back in the pfalz, a high first bolt, some sand and some tricky bolt ;)
26 Mar 2023
Back in the pfalz, a high first bolt, some sand and some tricky bolt ;)
Böser-Buwe-Weg (6c+)
14 Jul 2022
Barbaristan (7c+)
19 May 2022
Pälzer-Mäde-Weg (6c+)
18 Jul 2021
Böser-Buwe-Weg (7a)
18 Jul 2021
Feuerteufel (7b) Uff. Hart für 8+. Etwas Definitionssache. Linke Dachkante mitgenommen. Von der oberen Dachkante links raus an die Henkel.
3 Jun 2021
Uff. Hart für 8+. Etwas Definitionssache. Linke Dachkante mitgenommen. Von der oberen Dachkante links raus an die Henkel.
Pälzer-Buwe-Weg (6b)
11 Apr 2021