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Name Style Route Comment Properties Date
Captain's Junk (7A) Dropped off the flash due to pain, second go from some choss holds bellow where the people start by accident. Descended the slab ramp to the right for more fun :)
29 May 2024
Dropped off the flash due to pain, second go from some choss holds bellow where the people start by accident. Descended the slab ramp to the right for more fun :)
N.N. (Ramp) (5A) Scariest downclimb so far, why did we choose this route??
29 May 2024
Scariest downclimb so far, why did we choose this route??
Captain's Junk (7A) Lungs barely functioning halfway through the climb, had to wheeze my way up. Followed by an absolute quest down the ramp because we were siggogling. Epic. Also, start lower you bozos.
29 May 2024
Lungs barely functioning halfway through the climb, had to wheeze my way up. Followed by an absolute quest down the ramp because we were siggogling. Epic. Also, start lower you bozos.
Captain's Junk (7A)
11 Nov 2023
Captain's Junk (7A) Swaggy mini bloc but nice and tall
6 Nov 2022
Swaggy mini bloc but nice and tall
Captain's Junk (7A)
27 May 2022
Junk In A Box (7B+) felt very heinous
7 Oct 2021
felt very heinous
Captain's Junk (7A) heinous little crimp into joyous climbing
7 Oct 2021
heinous little crimp into joyous climbing
Captain's Junk (7A) Took a swig of Jameson before firing it, felt nauseas at the top... Hella moves, hella tachycardia
18 Oct 2020
Took a swig of Jameson before firing it, felt nauseas at the top... Hella moves, hella tachycardia
Captain's Junk (7A)
17 Oct 2020
Captain's Junk (7A+)
11 Nov 2019
Captain's Junk (7A) Pretty cool movement. Punted once I got to the arete, but took it down next go.
10 Nov 2019
Pretty cool movement. Punted once I got to the arete, but took it down next go.
Captain's Junk (7A)
6 Oct 2019
Captain's Junk (7A)
19 Jun 2019
Junk In A Box (7A+) 2nd go. Book description says one hard move to a pinch and finish up the V1 topout. But the move to the pinch was super easy and there was no mention of the second and much harder move. this was nice and soft.
27 Apr 2019
2nd go. Book description says one hard move to a pinch and finish up the V1 topout. But the move to the pinch was super easy and there was no mention of the second and much harder move. this was nice and soft.
Captain's Junk (7A) super fun. worked some hard beta for a while before finally switching to some easier beta that made it fair for the grade. have to work on reading problems more efficiently.
1 Oct 2018
super fun. worked some hard beta for a while before finally switching to some easier beta that made it fair for the grade. have to work on reading problems more efficiently.
Captain's Junk (7A) Sharp start, perfect finish.
29 Jun 2018
Sharp start, perfect finish.
Captain's Junk (7A)
29 May 2018
Dream Tiger (7A+)
19 May 2018
Dream Tiger (7A+)
7 May 2018