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Name Style Route Comment Properties Date
Fuck it, let's drink (7A) short straight up, tiny crimps, long reaches...
17 Sep 2021
short straight up, tiny crimps, long reaches...
the short legs problem (6C+) problem with short legs?? add some grades.. i am absolutly not sure about the grade. very reachy traverse through a roof on edges, then far moves on underclings in a technical traverse known as "welcome to the end of the game"..waiting for repeats.. wel, edit: a lot of repeats now, short legs don't bother at all..i've witnessed at least 6 different methods now, from climbers being 1,60+ to 1,87, for all possible and mainly the same difficulty(6C/7A)..5star problem
2 Sep 2021
problem with short legs?? add some grades.. i am absolutly not sure about the grade. very reachy traverse through a roof on edges, then far moves on underclings in a technical traverse known as "welcome to the end of the game"..waiting for repeats.. wel, edit: a lot of repeats now, short legs don't bother at all..i've witnessed at least 6 different methods now, from climbers being 1,60+ to 1,87, for all possible and mainly the same difficulty(6C/7A)..5star problem
dressed in borrowed light (6B+) Sitstart like "seele baumelt", first direct up with two small crimps to jug, then traverse to the right to topout of "kleines Licht"
28 Aug 2021
Sitstart like "seele baumelt", first direct up with two small crimps to jug, then traverse to the right to topout of "kleines Licht"
welcome to the end of the game (6A+) second half of the "short legs problem", traverse to right starting with the low underclings
28 Aug 2021
second half of the "short legs problem", traverse to right starting with the low underclings
spat out by giants (6C) follow slopy traverse-rail to the left and up to high topout
28 Aug 2021
follow slopy traverse-rail to the left and up to high topout
fuer die kleinen Ferkel (4B) Sitzstart beim Henkel rechts , dann mit Vorblock traverse nach links bis zu Topout..jaja
26 Aug 2021
Sitzstart beim Henkel rechts , dann mit Vorblock traverse nach links bis zu Topout..jaja
lass die Sau raus (5C) kleiner Block , sehr nette traverse..überraschend lohnend, ohneden Vorblock, also hoch das Bein
26 Aug 2021
kleiner Block , sehr nette traverse..überraschend lohnend, ohneden Vorblock, also hoch das Bein
i never promised you a rosegarden (5B) sis right of neaky jane low on the blocks, traverse to left, stay low, and top like "sneaky.."
21 Aug 2021
sis right of neaky jane low on the blocks, traverse to left, stay low, and top like "sneaky.."
Santa's on acid (6B+) long traverse combi of "speedy lane" and "chicks...",with a sneaky change of wall in the crack... some endurance needed
21 Aug 2021
long traverse combi of "speedy lane" and "chicks...",with a sneaky change of wall in the crack... some endurance needed
sneaky Jane (6A+) SiS under roof, two crimps to the right, then high finish on tophold like "chicks.."
21 Aug 2021
SiS under roof, two crimps to the right, then high finish on tophold like "chicks.."
chicks sent me high (6A+) starts in the crack, traverse to right on slopers to high finish right, often wet, but climbable
21 Aug 2021
starts in the crack, traverse to right on slopers to high finish right, often wet, but climbable
speedy lane (5B) easy but great warmup
21 Aug 2021
easy but great warmup