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Name Style Route Comment Properties Date
Befreiung (7B+) I returned to the church wall after 7 years to complete this project. In the meantime, I began studying, moved away from home and even stopped climbing regularly for 3 years before I started again in 2015. After I felt like I had surpassed my old form, I spontaneously decided to get back on it during easter holidays at home. Start on the wall left of the main entrance with the arête bordering the fence that surrounds the little greenery. Finish with the doorframe of the side entrance on the stairs. As always, the ledge is included for your feet only. It took me a long time to figure out the positions without a ladder or pads. Definitely the kingline in terms of purity. Let’s see what the future holds for the last open projects.
1 Apr 2016
I returned to the church wall after 7 years to complete this project. In the meantime, I began studying, moved away from home and even stopped climbing regularly for 3 years before I started again in 2015. After I felt like I had surpassed my old form, I spontaneously decided to get back on it during easter holidays at home. Start on the wall left of the main entrance with the arête bordering the fence that surrounds the little greenery. Finish with the doorframe of the side entrance on the stairs. As always, the ledge is included for your feet only. It took me a long time to figure out the positions without a ladder or pads. Definitely the kingline in terms of purity. Let’s see what the future holds for the last open projects.
Erleuchtung (7A+) The second line that I established on the church, after I gained some confidence grabbing bricks. Start with the window grate left of the Jesus statue and traverse to the left using the lower ledge and the handrail for your feet throughout. Some of the holds are marked with chalk. The top is touching the wall around the corner at the end of the lower ledge after the stairs. Good moves around obtuse angles. Being 15 and being happy bouldering on chossy walls by my own was a good time.
1 Feb 2009
The second line that I established on the church, after I gained some confidence grabbing bricks. Start with the window grate left of the Jesus statue and traverse to the left using the lower ledge and the handrail for your feet throughout. Some of the holds are marked with chalk. The top is touching the wall around the corner at the end of the lower ledge after the stairs. Good moves around obtuse angles. Being 15 and being happy bouldering on chossy walls by my own was a good time.
Offenbarung (7A) Traverse from right to left on the wall of the St. Margareta church in the narrow alley to the left of it. Start on the stairs, move across the windowsill (without the grate), around both corners and finish on the second windowsill, with the lower ledge for your feet throughout. The opposite wall is eliminated. Good holds are marked with chalk. I projected this for many sessions a short while after I started bouldering, as it sits right across from my family home. The first of three lines on the church that I worked on over the years. Perhaps only a few crumbly bricks for others, but a cherished memory from way back in the day for me.
1 Jan 2009
Traverse from right to left on the wall of the St. Margareta church in the narrow alley to the left of it. Start on the stairs, move across the windowsill (without the grate), around both corners and finish on the second windowsill, with the lower ledge for your feet throughout. The opposite wall is eliminated. Good holds are marked with chalk. I projected this for many sessions a short while after I started bouldering, as it sits right across from my family home. The first of three lines on the church that I worked on over the years. Perhaps only a few crumbly bricks for others, but a cherished memory from way back in the day for me.