SIGMA - Built to conquer the most challenging routes

Advertorial: The shoe for your next project! Where you seek solid support, Sigma will give it to you. This shoe was designed for the hardest rock climbs. Its un…

Quick Tick Survey: Your Climbing Vacations

We invite you to take part in our Quick Tick Survey on vacations and insurance. Please take 5 minutes to answer our questions. Your input will help us…

Learn and get inspired by this great video from Reel Rock!

Corona 9a+ by Felix Neumärker

Felix Neumärker has done the hardest route in Frankenjura, Corona 9a+ which was set up by Markus Bock in 2006. One year ago, Felix did his first 9a+, La Rambla. There exists three other routes that originally was 9a+ in Frankenjura but they have all been subject of being down graded. Felix says he spent five days last year and four days this year and that it is his style of route, "filigree/ precise power climbing on small pinches/crimps, not painful at all." Have you done any specific training? What is your next plan? Last weekend, I was there with Daniel Jung and we tried 3 days in a row, so this could be called specific training… Next plan? Mmh, what about enjoying life and climb as much as possible meanwhile finishing my studies? ;)

The Story... 8C by James Webb

James Webb takes it to a new level also in redpoint by doing his fifth 8C in just over two weeks, The Story of Two World's in Cresciano. As he did the first four so quickly, he gave them all a personal grade. He has also flashed, including personal grades, five 8A+'. "Was SO wrecked on this thing today but somehow managed to climb it! Fell off the finish yesterday 4 times and really had no expectations to send.. Climbed it from the lower start like Carlo and Paul though really I think it makes no difference in difficulty. Took about 3 days of trying last year, and 3 more this year. Stoked to finish it but my real battle is on the other side of the bloc with Dreamtime!! Amuerte!!!

8B+ (C) by Stefano Ghisolfi

Stefano Ghisolfi has done Belly of the Beast in Peak District which he gives a personal grade of 8B+. Last year, he was Top-11 in the Lead WC, six times out of seven. "Did in one day after ben roof extension and keen roof, did it with kneebar, so it can be easy 8B+. Second ascent after Chris Webb Parsons I think, happy to be in peak district!