William Bosi did the second ascent of Daniel Woods’ Return of the Sleepwalker (9A) in February. This was the third 9A for the former competitive climber who has already completed Burden of Dreams (9A) and Alphane (9A). The 25-year-old stopped competing in 2021 after having had his best year in 2019, twice placing fourth in the World Cup.

QA with Charles Albert

Charles Albert stopped using climbing shoes at age 16 and four years later, in 2016, he did the FA of La Révolutionnaire (8C+). Charles has now completed a doze…

Ethan Pringle is probably most known for having done the first repeat of Chris Sharma's Jumbo Love (9b) back in 2016. In total, the silver medalist in Youth Worlds in 2000, when he also did his first 8b+, has sent more than a dozen 9a's and beyond.

Back in 2022, Theo Blass sent Trip tik tonik (9a) and became the youngest climber to have done a 9a.

Marco Müller does L'isola che non c'è (9a)

Marco Müller has repeated L'isola che non c'è (9a) in Amden. (c) Moritz Waldleben

The route "L'isola che non c'è" is a hybrid boulder/sport climb first climbed by Fred Nicole 15 years ago. It is located in a cave near Amden, Switzerland, and it sit-starts at the lowest point following a logical and natural line about 15 meters long to the exit of the cave. It can be divided into three parts. The first part being a crimpy roof boulder [Ragtime (8B+)]. Then there's an easier middle part which goes straight into the last boulder, which is quite powerful. After that, there's an easier climb to exit the cave.”

Siara Fabbri does Forever More sit start (8A+)

Siara Fabbri has done Forever More sit start (8A+) in Brione. "Good send vibes and lovely feeling learning how to make the bottoms moves feel natural." (c) Simone Tentori

Can you tell us more about the ascent?
We came back to Ticino after a long time away and I was psyched to try this line! Fun climbing on smooth holds next to the river, with some crimps and a mantle. The process on this boulder was really nice. In my eyes, the first 2 moves (to arrive at the crimp) are the hardest and then it is fine after that. These 2 moves initially felt weird and difficult but ended up being technical, where drop knee, full crimp, and squeezing the pinch at first instead of crimping (focus on where to apply force) made them feel natural. Motivated to one day have this so intuitive to be able to flash a boulder like this!