8 January 2012

Brooke Raboutou (10)

Brooke Raboutou (10) je splezala svoj prvi 8b pri 9 letih, prvi 8A balvan pa pri 10. "Plezati sem začela ko sem bila stara 2 leti. Zdaj plezam tako na tekmovanjih kot v skali". Njena mama Robyn Erbesfield je nosila naslov svetovne prvakinje od leta 92-95 in je še vedno najbolša punca v družini Raboutou.

The Fanatic Search 2 - A Girl Thing - Brooke Raboutou from Jackie Hueftle on Vimeo.

8 January 2012

Brooke Raboutou (10)

Brooke Raboutou (10) did her first 8b when she was 9 years old and first 8A boulder when she was 10. "I started climbing when I was 2 years old. Now I climb in competitions and outside". Her mother Robyn Erbesfield won the World Cup between 92 - 95 and is still the best girl in the family. The Fan…