Two 9a's in a day by Jorge Diaz-Rullo
In total, the 23-year-old has now done some 57 routes 9a and harder which means he is #8 on that exclusive list. In the 8a ranking game, he is #3.
Elias Iagnemma FA’s The Big Slamm (9A)
Elias Iagnemma, who last year sent Burden of Dreams (9A), reports on Instagram that he has done the FA of The Big Slamm (9A). "It is incredible how it is a prec…
Alex Megos reports on Instagram that after a disappointing performance at the Olympics, he traveled to Flatanger and in just five sessions he was able to compl…
Welcome to Vertical-Life Web
Six years after partnering with 8a.nu, we’re excited to announce the unification of the 8a.nu website and the Vertical-Life app into a single platform: Vertical…
Wild West 9a by Vojta Trojan
Vojta Trojan, who previously has sent seven 9a’s, has done the fourth ascent of Tom Bolger’s Wild West (9a) in Margalef. ”Hard bouldery start, then endurance le…
Mr. Big 9a by Loic Zehani
Loic Zehani has done Mr. Big (9a) in Margalef. ”Stunning stamina route. 25 meters with a Boulder section just after the middle. Congrats Tom for bolting this wo…
Jan Štipek, 16, does Mr Big (9a) 3rd try
Jan Štipek, who in 2024 won a Euro Youth Cup in both Lead and Boulder, has done Mr. Big (9a) in Margalef. The 16-year-old first made an onsight attempt, then fe…
Wild West 9a by Vojta Trojan
Vojta Trojan, who previously has sent seven 9a’s, has done the fourth ascent of Tom Bolger’s Wild West (9a) in Margalef. ”Hard bouldery start, then endurance le…
Mr. Big 9a by Loic Zehani
Loic Zehani has done Mr. Big (9a) in Margalef. ”Stunning stamina route. 25 meters with a Boulder section just after the middle. Congrats Tom for bolting this wo…
Jan Štipek, 16, does Mr Big (9a) 3rd try
Jan Štipek, who in 2024 won a Euro Youth Cup in both Lead and Boulder, has done Mr. Big (9a) in Margalef. The 16-year-old first made an onsight attempt, then fe…
Will Bosi repeats Return of the Sleepwalker (9A)
William Bosi has made the second ascent of Daniel Woods’ Return of the Sleepwalker (9A) in Black Velvet Canyon, after projecting it for 12 sessions. This was th…
Will Bosi completes Excalibur (9b+)
William Bosi has made the first repeat of Stefano Ghisolfi’s Excalibur (9b+) in Arco. Excalibur climbs a 40-degree overhanging wall in Drena, near Arco. Initial…
Irmgard Braun, 72, ticks Le string à Fredo (7c)
Irmgard Braun, who was featured in an interview sending a 7c+ in 2021, has done Le string à Fredo (7c) in Gorges du Tarn. "This year I tried the route on six d…