15 August 2024

Tom O'Halloran does the The Red Project (9a)

Tom O'Halloran, who participated in the Tokyo Olympics, has done The Red Project (9a). “The epitome of Blue mountains climbing. Does not get better.”

Can you tell us more about the ascent?
I think 4th ascent after Alex Megos, Wiz Fineron, Ben Cossey. It was always known as The Red Project and was going to be known as that even once climbed. Alex called it Retired Extremely Dangerous however we reclaimed it as the red project like biographie/realization.

It’s brilliant. Partly bolted by Garth Miller in the 90s. Finished by Lee Cossey a few year later. It’s the most beautiful balance of technical, powerful, subtle aggressive climbing you could ever find. The crux is as frustrating as it is brilliant. Which is to say it’s a mega A++ for both. Skin, conditions, ability and head space all need to come together to make it happen. Several days of work in 2013 as Alex did it. A few in 2015 then nothing until the four days it took this year. A true life list route 😀
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