Shauna Coxsey ticks Fotofobia (8B+) in a day
“I was so excited to try Fotofobia! Big moves on tiny crimps on and overhanging wall... Yes! It is such an amazing piece of rock and the moves did not disappoint! I tried to climb the original line from Nacho. It seems there are a few new bigger holds at the end to the right that have been cleaned up. I decided to avoid those and stay left of the obvious seam. As for the grade, I really don’t know. It's been a while since I have climbed this grade so don't feel I am in a position to fully comment just yet. It went down pretty quickly so I am tempted to say it may be closer to 8B but I also don’t think I could design a climb to suit me more than this.”
Elias Iagnemma FA’s The Big Slamm (9A)
Elias Iagnemma, who last year sent Burden of Dreams (9A), reports on Instagram that he has done the FA of The Big Slamm (9A). "It is incredible how it is a prec…
Alex Megos reports on Instagram that after a disappointing performance at the Olympics, he traveled to Flatanger and in just five sessions he was able to compl…
Welcome to Vertical-Life Web
Six years after partnering with, we’re excited to announce the unification of the website and the Vertical-Life app into a single platform: Vertical…
Jesús Muñoz Vaquero opens El Sith Elegido (8C)
Jesús Muñoz Vaquero (Chuchi) has done the FA of El Sith Elegido (8C) at La Pedriza, by adding a three moves start to an 8B+/C he did three weeks ago. "Yesterday on my first try, and after 19 movements, I reached the famous good slopper in the last section of the boulder. Only the 6 easiest mo…
Roser Giralt, 39, goes from 7b to 8b+
Roser Giralt, slab master,La Pedriza, Talo Martin better half, has done the FFA of Inuit (8b+). It was put up in 2011 by Aitor Bárez and the holds consist of cr…
Lemento sit 8C by Jesús Muñoz Vaquero
Jesús Muñoz Vaquero (Chuchi), who previously has done three 8C's, has sent Lemento sit (8C) in La Pedriza. Can you give us the lowdown on Lemento? The history…
Jesús Muñoz Vaquero opens El Sith Elegido (8C)
Jesús Muñoz Vaquero (Chuchi) has done the FA of El Sith Elegido (8C) at La Pedriza, by adding a three moves start to an 8B+/C he did three weeks ago. "Yesterday on my first try, and after 19 movements, I reached the famous good slopper in the last section of the boulder. Only the 6 easiest mo…
Roser Giralt, 39, goes from 7b to 8b+
Roser Giralt, slab master,La Pedriza, Talo Martin better half, has done the FFA of Inuit (8b+). It was put up in 2011 by Aitor Bárez and the holds consist of cr…
Lemento sit 8C by Jesús Muñoz Vaquero
Jesús Muñoz Vaquero (Chuchi), who previously has done three 8C's, has sent Lemento sit (8C) in La Pedriza. Can you give us the lowdown on Lemento? The history…
Will Bosi repeats Return of the Sleepwalker (9A)
William Bosi has made the second ascent of Daniel Woods’ Return of the Sleepwalker (9A) in Black Velvet Canyon, after projecting it for 12 sessions. This was th…
Irmgard Braun, 72, ticks Le string à Fredo (7c)
Irmgard Braun, who was featured in an interview sending a 7c+ in 2021, has done Le string à Fredo (7c) in Gorges du Tarn. "This year I tried the route on six d…
Michaela Kiersch completes Dreamtime (8C)
Michaela Kiersch has repeated Fred Nicole’s classical Dreamtime (8C) in Cresciano. The Doctor in Hand Therapy has now completed 17 boulders graded 8B or harder,…