29 December 2022

Oral Office 8A+ by Oriane Bertone (17)

Oriane Bertone, who was #6 in the World Cup, has done a quick ascent of Oral Office (8A+) in Rocklands. ”I was so surprised to send this incredible dyno so quickly !! Second try of the second sesh.”

Do you have and plans and ambitions for the Olympics?
Actually, no plans or ambition for it right now… I want to get better and stronger, and we’ll see later for the Olympics!!

What are the plans for the last days in Rocklands?
Armed response (8A+) is the main one, Out of Balance (8A) for sure, and Barracuda (8A)! I only have 2 days left, hope I can get things done!
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Oriane Bertone has during a ten days trip to Rocklands done three 8A's, Oral Office (8A+) and . "Finally the main project of this short trip comes true! I had tried "Armed Response" several times in the past, but I did not yet have the physical capacities for this "very physical style" project (8A+ …

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