28 May 2023

Nicholas Allan, 15, does Book club (8B+)

Nicholas Allan, who previously has logged ten 8B's, has done Book Club (8B+) in Rocklands. "First 8B+!" Noteworthy is that the 15-year-old, who did his first 8A+ at age 11, has twice done 8B+ before but given them personal down grades.

Can you tell us something about your climbing life and your first 8B+?
I am 15 years old and live in Cape Town, South Africa. I started climbing when I was 8 years old. I climb 3 times a week at one of the local gyms and go outdoors around Cape Town on the weekend. On days where I’m not climbing I’m doing conditioning at my house like core, hangboarding and flexibility.

Book club is a 10-move power endurance boulder with very physical moves. I tried Book Club for the first time at the end of last season and really enjoyed it as it fitted my style, but summer came around and I couldn’t go back. My first session back to it in the new season was mostly spent refiguring out the moves. Then on my next session, I surprised myself by falling on the last move and was psyched that it was within my reach. I went back a couple of days later with a sick crew and was super psyched to put it down. Now I want to push my limit even further and find a harder project to climb.
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