1 May 2014

Jule Wurm winner of the first World Cup

Jule Wurm who was travelling during February and March and did nine 8A and 8A+' won the first World Cup in China after just one month of hard indoor training. Last year she was #5 overall after having won one event? (c) Eddie Fowke What are the major changes you have done in preparation for 2014 compared to previous years, beside bouldering hard outside? I guess I changed a lot of things. I trained in a different gym than before and did a lot of short and hard boulders on a super overhanging wall and also trained once a week or so on the campus board. And it is a big change that I take half a year off from University now to have more time for training, to do all the comps and also some outdoor trips. What is the best thing travelling all over the globe to compete in the World Cup? It´s so cool to get to see many different places and cultures. The day before yesterday we've still been to China and now we're in Azerbaijan! That´s so crazy! And what I like even more is that we hang out with people from many different countries and have fun with them!
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16 February 2014

Hueco Rock Rodeo #21

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