11 December 2024

David Bermudez, 15, does Cordia Maleficarum (9a)

David Bermudez Carbonell, who earlier in 2024 has sent four 9a's, has repeated Alex Garriga’s Cordia Maleficarum (9a) in Cuenca. (c) Tara Kerzhner

Can you tell us more about the route?
Cordia Maleficarum combines Corazón cofrade (8c) I did last year in a few tries and Malleus Maleficarum (9a+). The route has a lot of endurance with a harder move on the last parts on which I fell 6 tries in a row. Then I changed the beta for the move and I sent it. Three weekends ago I decided to try it and I was able to progress very fast.

What is your next plan?
I would like to continue trying hard routes in Cuenca and also I'm going to Margalef on the Christmas holidays
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