17 November 2022

Complete closure of the ‘Badener Wand' (Battert) in Germany - sign petition!

On the 9th of November 2022 the regional council in Karlsruhe, Germany announced that the crag ‘Badener Wand’ at the ‘Battertfels’ close to Baden-Baden will be closed completely for climbing starting from January 1st, 2023.

The crags around the ‘Battertfels’ are one of the most important crags in Baden-Württemberg and have a climbing history of more than 130 years. The main face has more than 60 routes and is exceptionally tall for this region. This allows the locals to climb more alpine style multi pitches, without travelling to the Alps. In view of the current climate crisis, this is an important aspect to consider.

The DAV (German Alpine Association) developed together with local volunteers a concept to balance the needs of the climbers and the protection of the breeding grounds of the peregrine falcon. In the past, the solution was a temporary closure of the wall in spring and summer and the possibility to climb in fall. This concept was even verified by a ornithological report commissioned by the local authorities. Yet, the local authorities did not agree on any compromise with the local climbers!

A petition was started to save the Badener Wand for the next generation of climbers, while giving the falcon a quiet place to breed. The suggested compromise in the petition is a seasonal closure during breeding periods (spring and summer) and open for climbing in fall and winter. Please help and sign it and join the demonstration on 27th of November in Baden Baden.
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