14 October 2021

Claudia Ghisolfi documentary doing Noia 8c+

Claudia Ghisolfi did Noia in May as her first 8c+. The great documentary includes an interview also with Seve Scassa who put it up in 1993 and also her brother and parents shares some nice insight. Claudia started doing World Cups in 2013 and 16 times she has made the semi including one time in 2021.
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Claudia Ghisolfi got a bad shoulder injury in the 2021 Villars World Cup. 14 months later she was #9 in the Edinburgh World Cup. Two weeks later she sent her first 9a, TCT (9a), which her brother Stefano had done the FA of in 2014. "The route is in Gravere a crag near Turin, my hometown! It was fre…

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