4 July 2009

8c+ by Gabor Szekely

Gabor Szekely (19) has done his eigth 8c+, Los Barrachos del Mascun in Rodellar. "8c+/9a, crazy dynamic roof climbing.. amazing! really could be 9a but i dunno..really bad conditions!"
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Jernej Kruder sends Martin Krpan (9a) sans knee pads

Jernej Kruder, who won the Boulder World Cup in 2018, has done Martin Krpan (9a) in Mišja Peč. “I would like to expose something here: I spent many tries on t…

Welcome to Vertical-Life Web

Six years after partnering with 8a.nu, we’re excited to announce the unification of the 8a.nu website and the Vertical-Life app into a single platform: Vertical…

Will Bosi repeats Return of the Sleepwalker (9A)

William Bosi has made the second ascent of Daniel Woods’ Return of the Sleepwalker (9A) in Black Velvet Canyon, after projecting it for 12 sessions. This was th…


Gabor Szekelyhas done Zobble, 8c+ in Jurassic Park. This was the second 8c+ by the 18-year-old.

Magnus Midtbo has done Kinematix, 9a in Deverse. "Kinematix starts with Totale Eclatch, a short powerful 8c on pinches, then you do some hard moves into Honk 8b+. (That is the reason why he has these routes as 'logg-book'.) magnusmidtboe.com also reports that "...some holds were even wet" but the fo…

At least 10 World Cup climbers have been using Rodellar, to prepare for this weekend's event in Barcelona. Many seems to be in good shape like Magnus Midtbowho has done Los Incormistas, 9a and onsighted Philipe Cuisinere, 8b+ and Esperit Rebeld, 8b. Magnus goes to #4 in the 8a world ranking. Gabor S…