5 April 2017

You need to pay USD 20 monthly to watch the WC 2017

It will cost you USD 20 a month to watch the IFSC World Cup live-streaming starting from this weekend in Meiringen. IFSC has signed a 3-year contract with FloSports, which is a US based company covering many sports. Here you can pay USD 20 a month och 150 a year. This is another example of bad communication skills by IFSC. Why not explain the background and rational for their decision? How could they not make the first event free of charge so we could possibly see an improvement. However, in any case, it is extremely expensive in comparison what you get on other sport channels or Netflix etc. Since IFSC published the news on Facebook two hours ago, they have gotten 36 comments, almost of them critical. Austria climbing, who will run the Youth World Champion in 2017 and the World Champion in 2018, has posted this picture and a very strong statement, "No crowd? Is this the future of world cup climbing? The World Cup live stream will no longer be free: A decision we oppose because we believe that access to competition streams should be as easy as possible. If you think the same, head over to International Federation of Sport Climbing and make your voice heard!" Jorg Verhoeven on FB: "Another great step backwards."
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