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Name Style Route Comment Properties Date
Austere (8B) 3rd ascent? Let the record reflect I did this before tchen. Worth every single minute of the 3 hours it took us to get there. This thing seriously needs more attention because this is as good as board style crimps get. Top 5 boulders for me all time.
15 Oct 2023
3rd ascent? Let the record reflect I did this before tchen. Worth every single minute of the 3 hours it took us to get there. This thing seriously needs more attention because this is as good as board style crimps get. Top 5 boulders for me all time.
Austere (8B) Incredible. Team send with Brett after slogging around the lake and tossing his lunch off the cliff. Such beauty does nature bless the eyes of man. Who is first in the logbook, Brett?
15 Oct 2023
Incredible. Team send with Brett after slogging around the lake and tossing his lunch off the cliff. Such beauty does nature bless the eyes of man. Who is first in the logbook, Brett?
Austere (8B) 2nd asc. Basic tension climbing on crimps. Sick one from Carlo!
20 Jun 2018
2nd asc. Basic tension climbing on crimps. Sick one from Carlo!
Austere (8B) Simple, clean wall of crimps on a steep overhang. Low in the grade. Overwhelmed by the amount of climbing to do here in CA.
18 Jun 2018
Simple, clean wall of crimps on a steep overhang. Low in the grade. Overwhelmed by the amount of climbing to do here in CA.
Fucker Arete (6C+) an entire day of never going more than 30 seconds without letting loose a good "fffff fucker!" I'm telling ya, we are really losing it
14 Oct 2015
an entire day of never going more than 30 seconds without letting loose a good "fffff fucker!" I'm telling ya, we are really losing it
N.N. (6C+) why name this one, it was kinda fun though
14 Oct 2015
why name this one, it was kinda fun though
Go To Your Darkside (7A) 3D
6 Sep 2015
Windowpane and the Snow (7A+) 5 star compression, perfect
2 Sep 2015
5 star compression, perfect
Chicken in a Biscuit (6C+) 2nd ascent. Hard and powerful move to campus glory.
27 Jul 2015
2nd ascent. Hard and powerful move to campus glory.
Blue Mist (7B) Cant' believe I flashed this stellar fucker. Named in honor of the god damn blue mist that follows that stash pad of mine. Close your eyes, cover your mouth.
27 Jul 2015
Cant' believe I flashed this stellar fucker. Named in honor of the god damn blue mist that follows that stash pad of mine. Close your eyes, cover your mouth.
Hyper Hydrosis (6C+) finally, a great problem named in honor of my notoriously sweaty fucking fingers. Good gymnastic line. Bullet rock everywhere here.
27 Jul 2015
finally, a great problem named in honor of my notoriously sweaty fucking fingers. Good gymnastic line. Bullet rock everywhere here.
Adaptation (7A+) right after Joooooo nahhhh. Super sick the direct weird start is a beautiful 8a that's gonna go. this is no BS version and super fun
27 Jul 2015
right after Joooooo nahhhh. Super sick the direct weird start is a beautiful 8a that's gonna go. this is no BS version and super fun
Hickory Handle (7A+) super sick D O. line in the ciiiiiizzzz ave. Oh mah gah...
27 Jul 2015
super sick D O. line in the ciiiiiizzzz ave. Oh mah gah...
Punk Rocker (7B) sds proj to Off the Rocker. So seaeeeeeeaaakkk
27 Jul 2015
sds proj to Off the Rocker. So seaeeeeeeaaakkk
Lookout Below (7A) don't blow this mantle
27 Jul 2015
don't blow this mantle
Horse Rotorvator (7B) great lowball, big move with de area one of the hardest here
27 Jul 2015
great lowball, big move with de area one of the hardest here