4 March 2009

Robin Poelmans: 8c+ within 2 years

Robin Poelmans - World record holder?
Robin Poelmans started to climb in February 2007. Two years later he onsighted 8b and put up an 8c+. The very interesting thing is that he has not climbed so much and also that he is just climbing, no structured training what so ever. Is there any other sport than climbing where you can reach world class after just two years of mainly having-fun-training, a Life style approach?

8a message interview
1. I've done competition swimming for about 8 years at a high level. This is useful in climbing because I already had a good muscle structure before i started climbing. Actually I don't have a trainer. I just go and climb in the gym, doing some stuff I think is good for me and trying to find my weak points and work on it.

I'm not into competitions. I don't like to compete anymore after I stopped swimming. I just go and climb outside as much as possible.

The reason for my progression??? Big question for me too man. I really can't say why.. I only know that I have a very big motivation to climb hard routes...If anyone has got a possible explanation for this, feel free to tell me!

2. In swimming I have been in the national team, title of national champion and I had some good results in international comps!

I started climbing because it's a sport where every route you do is something else and I wanted variation after always doing the same thing in the pool. I started in february 2007 with climbing after a revalidation of a shoulder injury due to too much training in swimming. After 2 months of climbing I managed to do my first 7th grade route!

It was hard to suggest 8c+ but next to this route is an 8c+ (Ondra did this one) at the left and right of my route there is an 8c. Locals told me that this route was about 8c+/9a but in my opinion 8c+. I am not good in grading because everything is going so fast but I think this is a solid 8c+! (Need some repititors)

My strong points are my overdose of motivation and my positive energy. I'm also pretty strong on small holds als technical moves! My moto: Believe in the things you don't believe yet!

This year I want to do some more 8 grade routes onsight and offcourse push my limits to a higher level, this summer I will go back to Schleier Wasserfall and try to finish Black Power. For the rest I want to do some more bouldering. But the most important thing is just to have fun and hang out with friends and have a good time!

3. It depends from week to week on how much I climb. Sometimes 5 times a week, other weeks just 2 times. It's depending on my school schedule. I'm In my first year at University, studying Law! I can't be a full time climber at the moment but I would love to be one!

4. No I don't have any structured training. I  don't even know how to train in a good way, I just climb a little bit! My goal I already said I think!

One month ago I did an interview with a dutch magazine called B.L.O.K about my first 8c! for the rest I didn't do any interviews. I'm now officially sponsored by NIHIL, it's a quality clothing brand from The Netherlands!

5. I just heard that Evolv and Beal will sponsor me so can you please put them also on the page?


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