25 December 2022

Two Colorado 8B+'s for Colin Duffy (19)

Colin Duffy, #3 8a Competition Climber in 2022, has the last week done one 8B, Breeding Puppies (8B+) in Secret Garden and The Phoenix (8B+) in Bear Lake Road. "Stoked to put this thing down in one sesh! Had to find some pretty funky beta due to my size but I'm psyched it all came together."

What is next and what about the 2023 comp season?
I will be going on a trip to Red rocks after Christmas so maybe I will have some good sends there! Once spring rolls around I will be back to the gym preparing for next years’ comps.

The 19-year-old was #7 in the Olympics but without having made a 0.005 seconds false start in Speed, he could have gotten the gold. In 2022, he was #8 overall in Lead and #6 in Boulder after having one event in each discipline.
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