1 April 2014

Six 8a's in three weeks for Cathy Wagner (48)

Cathy Wagner has during the last three weeks done six 8a's and during the last year she has done 40 8a's and six 8a+'. This means that she by far is in her best shape ever, not bad for somebody being 48 years old and who did her first 8a being 30.
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Cathy Wagner has done L'hypoténuse (8a+) in St Léger. "The large diagonal that crosses the wall from La face cachée de la lune (8a+) to Au nom de la loi (8b): This pure base of physical content is INSANE👌💪. Many thanks to Mick and Seb for the belay and the encouragement." The 57-year-old has done…

Cathy Wagner has during the last 12 months done eight 8a+, out of which four in 2022. Her first 8a, was done in 1994! In total, the 56-year-old has done 844 routes 8a to 8b which should be most of all females and also her grade pyramid should be for the record books. It should be noted that a large …

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