20 March 2023

Jana Švecová does all moves on Terranova (8C+) in just two sessions

William Bosi just recently said that he felt that Adam Ondra's Terranova (8C+) was as hard as Burden of Dreams 9A. Now, Jana Svecova has dropped a video where she does all moves on Terranova in just two sessions, by coming up with new beta.
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William Bosi is up in Finland live-streaming his second session on Burden of Dreams 9A. The temperature is -3, icicles are visible, and there is a clear blue sky and he is making good progress. Will says that the first individual move might be 8B but skipping that, doing kind of a stand start, it co…

Jana Svecova continues her big Terranova (8C+) project by doing the FA of a shorter variant, Nova (8C) in Holstejn.”15th day. Start like Sedni si na kost (8B+) and finish like the second part of Terranova. 2 mover 8B into 8B? And now the whole Terranova, but first some hardcore training! :D."

Bosi upgrades Švecová's Nova to 8C

In June, Jana Švecová made the FA of Nova (8C) in Holstejn, giving it an 8B+ grade. Now, William Bosi has made the first repeat and suggested an upgrade to 8C. …