22 August 2023

Clément Lechaptois completes Child of Hell

Clément Lechaptois has done Child of Hell (8C) at the Gottardo / Gotthardpass. "[An] Amazing problem from Shawn. Very techy and pretty unique style." (c) Nicolò Sartirana

The 30-year-old has done ten boulders 8C or harder and he is having his best year ever, which culminates seven years of non-stop progress. In the 8a ranking game, he is #7.

Can you tell us more about the ascent?
I first tried the boulder one day on the rope when it was still a project in 2020. I figured out some methods but couldn't return to it that season. Then Shawn did it in the summer of 2021. I came back at it this summer and felt better on the moves and positions. I tried it one more day in pretty bad conditions and fell at the last move once, as close as it gets. I did it on the first try the following session, the conditions were perfect that day.
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