30 March 2015

Adam Ondra is training harder and more structured than ever

Adam Ondra became the world'd best climber as a teenager without any trainer, a structured program and campus board, is now doing almost the oposit to get further progress including pushing for 9c with his trainer Patxi Usobiaga.
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After firing-off 'Chilam Balam' he had mention that he wanted to send a project in the same crag, Villanueva del Rosario (Málaga-Spain). Now, following what 9b reports, the Czech wonderboy Adam Ondra would have sent such route named La planta de Shiva, 9b in 14 tries (not the 8 we published before).…

Adam Ondra escala V16
6 December 2011

Adam Ondra escala V16

Alta-Montagna reporta que Adam Ondra realizou a primeira repetição do boulder Gioia, aberto por Christian Core que propôs o grau de V15. Adam achou que o boulde…

17 February 2011

9b FA by Adam Ondra

Adam Ondra konnte LA Chapelle,9b in Siurana erstbegehen! Die Route ist nach Adam extrem Boulderlastig und kostete ihn 9 Tage über 2 Trips!