8B+ (C) by Stefano Ghisolfi

Stefano Ghisolfi has done Belly of the Beast in Peak District which he gives a personal grade of 8B+. Last year, he was Top-11 in the Lead WC, six times out of seven. "Did in one day after ben roof extension and keen roof, did it with kneebar, so it can be easy 8B+. Second ascent after Chris Webb Parsons I think, happy to be in peak district!

First Milestone on the Climb to Paris Challenge reached

We've reached our first milestone on the Vertical-Life Climb to Paris Challenge powered by Mammut! Collectively, the climbing community has climb…

Gogor: Recover, Warm-up and Strengthen

Advertorial: In 2015, the doctor in mathematics Asier Mugertza broke a pulley while rehearsing one of his projects in Etxauri. As a result of that injury, an id…

Julie Smith has done her first 8A+, Lethal Design 8A+ in Red Rocks. "Meant so much to me to have climbed this that I have decided to log it!" The long endurance problem was put up by Pete Lowe five years ago and only in 2014, it has been ticked ten times in the 8a data base including three flashes.

8A+ by Katharina Saurwein

Katharina Saurwein has done Drischiebl 8A+ which is said to be one of the most beautiful hard boulder in Zillertal. "We brushed the topout, so instead of jumping down from midway, it finally goes all the way up and above the water." Nice video. Last year Katharina was #6 in the Boulder WC after having been Top-10 in all the eight WC's. The Austrian has been a successful competition climber since 2002 and in 2006 she won the Youth World Championship and in 2008, she won a Lead WC. In 2014, she will do all Boulder WC's.