22 March 2022

Trofeo dell'Adriatico 9a+ by Stefano Ghisolfi

Stefano Ghisolfi has done Trofeo dell'Adriatico (9a+) in Arco. "I tried the route for five days. It is amazing. The wall is one of the best of Arco, very close to the city, and the view is incredible. The crux is in the middle, a hard sequence after a good kneebar rest and then it continues on a beautiful tufa up to the top." (c) Onsen productions

What is your next plan?
Condition are still amazing and I'm trying Excalibur, 9b+ project that felt possible in the past days. I didn't start with the attempts yet but I'm linking some very good parts. (Video from both routes tried together with Adam Ondra.)

What about competitions?
I'll compete in the first lead World Cup and at the World Games.
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