15 February 2021

The Nest 8C by Matt Fultz and Andy Lamb

Matt Fultz has done his 14th 8C, The Nest in First Creek Canyon. "One of the best! The video of @dawoods89 and @jwebxl on the FA is one of my all time faves. It took about a week from when I first tried it to when I sent it." The 29-year-old did his first 8C less than two years ago and has during that period moved from being #15 to #1 in the 8A ranking game. (c) Max Krimmer

It was put up by Daniel Woods in 2015. "Kenny Barker and Andy Raether prepped this line and got us amped to go check it out. They were not lying when they said this boulder was out of this world. It hosts some of the raddest lines and each one is unique in its own way. This one ascends a 25-foot face with slanting rails to start with, into an iron cross in the middle of the wall followed by the crux at the finish. It was awesome to get buck on this rig with Jimmy." He got the second ascent the day after commenting. "One of the most amazing lines you'll ever see." All five repeaters on 8A have given it five stars.

Andy "Peter" Lamb comments on his second 8C, "I had a lot of sessions where I'd do the crux section first or second try, but fall there every time from the bottom, and the climb started to get in my head. On my send go I had some microbeta changes on the bottom which I think helped me get to the stand a little bit fresher. Definitely one of the most memorable climbs I've ever done!"
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