11 November 2022

Seta total 9a by Antonio Arregui (19)

Antonio Arregui, who had 8b+ as his PB two years ago, has done Seta total (9a) in Cuenca.

Could you say something about your climbing background and the ascent?
I started climbing in 2017 in the Cuenca gym. In December 2018 I sent my first 8a and since then I haven't stopped climbing. Last year I sent my first 8c+ "Seta Negra" and then I tried "Seta Total" but it was too hard for me so I wanted to wait until this autumn to try hard on this route. At first, it was so hard but while I was getting stronger the temperatures were cooler so I knew I could have a chance of sending this autumn.

How come it is basically only Cuenca climbs in your log-book?
My career doesn't allow me to go out of Cuenca because I study so much, but when I have free time I like to climb new crags.

What do you study and when will it be finished?
Veterinary medicine, in three years more or less.
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