15 November 2023

Michaela Kiersch ticks Coma Sant Pere (8c+)

Michaela Kiersch has done Coma Sant Pere (8c+) in Margalef. Including her send of Era Vella (9a), she has capped off a solid week of 8b+ to 9a redpoints. “As an American it’s cool because I climbed 14a, 14b, 14c and 14d [every grade of 14 on the YDS scale] in basically a week!” (c) Kevin McNally

So, is it fair to say this has been your most productive week sport climbing? How did this all come together?
Maybe! Rather than focusing on one major project like La Rambla I’m just having fun running around and discovering a new area and not necessarily breaking into a new limit. Would be a shame to only try one thing, so I’m trying everything within a broad grade range :)
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