25 April 2023

Dylan Chuat does Action Directe (9a)

Dylan Chuat, who last year did two 9a+'s has sent Action Directe (9a) in Frankenjura. "Omg, I didn't think I'd be able to do the route so quickly and it was wet, I was so happy to do this major and historic route! Thank you Wolfgang for this piece of history that I could climb with so much happiness!!! Very happy to have been able to find a route that I could climb with my broken pulley."

Can you tell us more about climbing Action?
All in all, I made six tries in the route divided into 3 sessions because the route was always wet but it just worked anyway. I decided to do this route because I broke a pulley 6 months ago and I still can’t take a crimp so I thought it would be nice revenge on my injury to do this route. There was no move harder than the other but in the two moves with the 2-finger pockets just after the throw I had hard times. Thanks to Malik who saw I had not used the right foot correctly.

What's next and what are your 2023 plans?
I don’t have a precise plan for 2023. I would like my finger to be 100% repaired and to carry out the 2-3 small projects around my home.
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