19 March 2014

9a by Mark Andersson (36)

Mark Andersson has done his first 9a, Mission Impossible in Clear Creek Canyon after ten days of work. "The route is about 25m tall, and not very steep. Its near-vertical for the first 10 meters or so, and then it starts to get steadily steeper, overhanging about 3m in total." The "weekend warrior" who previously has done five 8c's has a family and a full time job. ""I’ve developed a training program with my brother Mike Anderson, and we have a book coming out in April called The Rock Climber’s Training Manual that explains our approach in detail." Mark thinks that the reasons for many older climbers achieving personal best are mainly; Many started late and it takes years to develop finger strength and to avoid injuries and many did not train so serious when they were younger. "Climbing is also very skill-dependent, and these skills continue to improve over time." Full story and more pics at his Trainingblog.
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